rachel kapelke-dale

university of connecticut admissions: the sat, act scores and gpa you need to get in

university of connecticut admissions how to get into uconn sat scores uconn act scores -magoosh

uconn, how do we love thee? let us count the ways. you were voted the best public national university in new england. you’re a public ivy, or a top-notch public university where students can get an ivy-league education without the $$$ (well, with fewer $$$). you’re a legend in intercollegiate basketball (go huskies!). and if that weren’t enough, your neag school of education is renowned for its quality.

if uconn’s enraptured you in a similar way, take a look at everything you need to know about university of connecticut admissions and how to get into university of connecticut: university of connecticut sat scores, university of connecticut act scores, and more!

here’s the lowdown on how to get into the university of connecticut, starting with the basics.

university of connecticut at a glance

university of connecticut sat scores (middle 50%) 1210-1420
university of connecticut act scores (middle 50%) 26-31
university of connecticut admissions rate 49%

university of connecticut sat scores

university of connecticut sat scores are, on average, 1210-1420. this means that 25% of uconn students scored below 1210 on the exam and 25% scored above 1420. this is great news if uconn is your dream school. the average score on the sat is 1000, and, though it may take work, you will most likely be able to boost your score within the university of connecticut sat scores range given enough prep and time!

here are the university of connecticut sat scores, broken down by section.

math (middle 50%) 610-730
evidence-based reading and writing (middle 50%) 600-690

university of connecticut act scores

because sat scores and act scores are usually comparable at the same school, it shouldn’t be a big surprise that university of connecticut act scores are similar, percentile-wise, to university of connecticut sat scores. the middle 50% of university of connecticut act scores are between 26 and 31—definitely pretty high at the upper end of the range!

here’s a more detailed breakdown of university of connecticut act scores by section.

section 25th percentile 75th percentile
english 25 34
math 26 31

as you can see, these university of connecticut act scores don’t deviate all that far from the composite scores of 26-31. this lets us know that university of connecticut act scores in science and reading are probably in a similar range, and that many students admitted to the university of connecticut are (more or less) equally strong in all test sections.

university of connecticut acceptance rate

so with all that in mind…just how many students get into uconn? the university of connecticut admissions office has an acceptance rate of 49%–about half.

colleges do have a tendency to get more competitive from year to year, so what can you do to increase your chances of university of connecticut admissions? first of all, make sure your gpa is as high as possible.

depending on where you are in your high school career, this may be more or less in your control; if you’re a rising senior, make the best of what you’ve got. if your gpa isn’t your strong point, you can help compensate for that with some of the other university of connecticut admissions factors.

one of these, the essays, is completely within your control. write an outstanding essay (and make sure you know why you want to go to uconn—as well as why you’re a great fit for the school!) your letters of recommendation are slightly less in your power to control (don’t try to tell teachers what to write!), but you can get the best possible letters by asking teachers you know respect you.

university of connecticut freshman profile

who ends up going to the university of connecticut? it’s 50/50 male/female. a very high percentage of students get some form of need-based financial aid, so finances shouldn’t necessarily be a barrier to attending. (you also get a significant tuition cut if you’re from connecticut, so keep that in mind.) this may be why the majority of students come from in-state, but that shouldn’t stop you from applying if uconn is your dream school!


so…coalition or common app?
it doesn’t matter. really!

what are uconn admission requirements?
16 classes (15 college-prep level), including:

  • 4 years of english
  • 3 years of math (including algebra i, algebra ii, and geometry)
  • 2 years of social studies (including one year of u.s. history)
  • 2 years of a single foreign language (3 years “strongly recommended,” according to the university of connecticut admissions office)
  • 2 years of laboratory science (chemistry and physics are required for school of engineering and school of nursing applicants.)
  • 3 years of electives

does uconn accept transfer students?
yes! more than 1,400 last year, in fact. so if you don’t get in through the freshman admissions process (or you aren’t thrilled with your current institution)…try, try again!

mmm…the university of connecticut admissions website says that letters of recommendation are optional. do i have to?
ignore that “optional” bit. read a little further and you’ll see that they’re “preferred” (again, in the words of the university of connecticut admissions website!). do yourself a favor and get them—after all, it can’t hurt to have two more people telling uconn how great you are!

how to get into university of connecticut

how to get into university of connecticut? make sure you get your test scores into the university of connecticut sat scores or university of connecticut act scores range. keep your gpa as high as possible. follow application instructions. write a great essay. submit great letters of recommendation. good luck!


  • rachel kapelke-dale

    rachel is a magoosh content creator. she writes and updates content on our high school and gre blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. as a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the sat, act, toefl, gre, and gmat, and she is one of the authors of our magoosh act prep book. rachel has a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from brown university, an ma in cinematography from the université de paris vii, and a ph.d. in film studies from university college london. for over a decade, rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. her novel, the ballerinas, is forthcoming in december 2021 from st. martin’s press, while her memoir, graduates in wonderland, co-written with jessica pan, was published in 2014 by penguin random house. her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including vanity fair hollywood. when she isn’t strategically stringing words together at magoosh, you can find rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. join her on twitter, instagram, or facebook!

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