frances wong

transition to college

the summer before college can be one of the most exciting summers of your life. you’ve just graduated high school and accomplished all the hard work that came with it. now it’s time to enjoy yourself before you make the move to your dream college this fall. it’s important that you have fun and spend time with your friends, but you should also get a jump on preparations for the next big stage in your life: college!

here are a few things that we recommend you do this summer before you make the transition to college.

spend time with friends and family:

this one might seem obvious but when college starts you won’t see your high school friends or your family as much as you do now. take advantage of the summer and enjoy the time you have left in your hometown.

reach out to (stalk) your college roommate:

by now you should have been assigned a roommate in your freshman dorms, so it’s time to open your social media apps and get stalking, or you could be old fashioned and actually contact them directly. getting to know each other beforehand will help you in the long run, you can both start your friendship early or set the ground rules for living in a small space together.

research your professors:

if you haven’t selected classes or you’re thinking of adding/dropping new ones, doing research into your professors will help you make your final decision. using websites such as,, allows you to see feedback from your future peers on class difficulty, average grade, helpfulness, and much more. it’s always best to know what you’re getting yourself into, especially when selecting general education classes.

find out what books your courses require:

if you’ve selected your classes already then find out what books are required. the university bookstore can be far more expensive than online retailers, so buying used books beforehand often saves you hundreds of dollars. if you’re really dedicated, you can even start reading the books before classes begin!

look into orientation events:

orientation week is filled with events that can help you get a jumpstart on your college social life. yes, you might have to sit through one or ten incredibly awkward ice-breakers, but you’ll be surprised by how many friends you make complaining about those events afterwards.

start packing because you’re ready to go:

okay, so it isn’t exactly time to start packing but you can start thinking about what to pack. remember, you won’t have a lot of space in your new room so don’t bring too much, and there are a lot of things you (or your parents wink wink) can buy when you move in.

you’re embarking on a wonderful adventure when you start college, filled with new friends, and academic and personal growth. it’s important to prepare yourself, but don’t spend your last summer panicking about what’s to come, enjoy the next few months with your friends and family before you begin the next chapter of your life.

here’s a sneak peek of what to expect during your first few weeks of college:

transition to college “the day i moved into my dorm at ucsc, i remember driving up a long road surrounded by nothing but sprawling fields, picket fences, and dozens of cows. i could’ve been forgiven for thinking that i’d inadvertently signed up to live the next four years of my life on an oversized farm. i soon learned, however, that santa cruz isn’t like that at all. the scenery at ucsc is more like an outdoor camping ground with a picturesque beach far off in the distance. i fell in love with the nature surrounding campus, and with it, the deer. at one point, i was able to stand about three feet from a deer as it was eating some grass, the closest i’ve been to one in my life.” – amyychangg, uc santa cruz ‘17

don’t forget – if your parents aren’t willing to chip in for that bean bag you’re dying to have in your dorm room, you can always share your admit story on admitsee! create a profile and upload your successful application materials. you get a $10 signup bonus, and can stand to earn more by helping future applicants better understand the college application process.


  • frances wong

    a math major turned growth hacker, frances has worked in pr and marketing in hong kong, new york and san francisco. ​admitsee is her third edtech startup, coming from course hero and purpella.​ frances was born in hong kong and received her bachelor’s degree from georgetown university. ​fun fact: ​frances was a certified and licensed emt during her time at georgetown.

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