dana sinclair

private university myths debunked!

private universities are often overlooked when applying to colleges because of the many myths that surround them. if you were like, you may think applying to a private university is hopeless because of cost, size, or maybe even the type of people you think go there. let’s look at these myths a bit closer…



1) private universities are expensive:

while it’s true that the average cost of private colleges in the us is $31,231, many students do not end up paying the full price. private universities have the opportunity to pick the cream of the crop when it comes to students, and often offer many merit grants and scholarships. private universities are privately funded and are often very generous to many students with financial aid.


2) private universities are elitist

while many private universities are considered the nation’s most elite schools, the students who go there are far from elitist. it is a common misconception that the students who attend private universities are rich legacies who buy their way in, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. students who attend large private universities earn their way in based on merit just like students in public universities.


3) private universities are just the ivy leagues

while the ivy leagues are some of the most famous private universities, they are not the only ones out there. while there are many other large-style universities, there are also small liberal arts colleges. many liberal arts colleges are private, small in class size, and offer tons of financial aid opportunities.


the takeaway

private universities are a great option when applying to colleges. many offer several financial aid opportunities to cover the large cost. also, if the idea of applying to a large school makes you wide-eyed, don’t fret! many liberal arts colleges are private, and offer the same benefits if not more!



  • dana sinclair

    dana is a current high school senior who enjoys writing when she has a free moment. when she’s not studying, reading, or interning, she loves to go exploring the bay area with her friends. she loves discovering new activities and learning as much as she can. she hopes to help fellow students achieve their goal by sharing her knowledge on how to navigate high school life.

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