category: college admissions

  • should you take both the act and sat?

    how useful is it to take both the act and the sat? it depends on who you are.

  • what are rolling admissions?

    with college application season coming to a close, there are still many options for students who have yet to apply for college or are looking for more schools to apply to. schools with rolling admissions can save students who feel they have missed their opportunity to apply to college. you haven’t!

  • how to survive cutthroat academic competition

    as an ivy league student, i’ve learned a lot about how to survive in an academically competitive environment. i’m a very uncompetitive person, so dealing with some of my hyper-ambitious classmates sometimes took a toll on me. but i came out of first semester alive! here’s the main thing to remember:

  • college apps are done… so now what?

    the holidays are finally coming up! which means, for better or worse, so are the last of the college application deadlines. given the unprecedented amount of energy that you’ve surely been putting into the process – you are probably not too keen on thinking about the new work that lies ahead.

  • narrowing down your college acceptances

    if you are reading this post, you deserve a huge congratulations! you’ve been accepted into more than one college, and regardless of what those schools are, it’s an accomplishment to be proud of.

  • how to budget in college

    for many students, college is the first time that they have so much control over what they spend their money on. we’re buying more of our own meals, instead of eating our parents’ home-cooked food. we can decide which social events we want to spend on. the list goes on and on. here are my…

  • why college is more than just your campus

    i think it’s so sad when people say they never ventured far off campus for all of freshman year. if you’re in a new place, there’s so much to see and there’s never been a better opportunity to see it. take advantage while you can because college is only four years.

  • i submitted my college apps, now what?

    submitting college applications can be a weight lifted off your shoulders. all seniors applying to college know how tedious and stressful they can be and once they are submitted, it is like a breathe of fresh air. now that your college apps are in, what do you do? what goals are there to strive for?

  • 5 things i learned my first semester at college

    my first semester of college is over! looking back at the past few months, here are some important things i’ve learned.

  • getting professors to “like you”

    i’m going to start this one off with an anecdote. i was at a fencing meet with my team just the other day, and there was this whole incident in which one of our fencers was fencing a girl from an opposing university (who shall go unnamed). for one reason or another, the referee was…