rita neumann

living with the uncertainty of college applications

remember that moment of excitement-relief-terror you experienced when you submitted your final college application? it didn’t last long.

submitting college apps is a double-edged sword. on the one hand, you no longer have to spend countless hours perfecting personal statements, re-typing extracurriculars, entering numbers into forms, etc. that agony finally reached its end.

on the other hand, there’s the waiting.

the realizing that you are not in control of your destiny. the uncertainty.

guide to

it’s okay. as tough as it is to just wait it out, my recommendation is that you do everything in your power to enjoy this in-between time. there’s something very freeing in knowing that you’ve done your best and this big life decision is out of your hands for a couple of months. you’ll have other tough decisions to make when you get your acceptance letters, and decide which college you’ll ultimately attend. but, for now, you can relax and enjoy senior year.

remember … second semester senior year is what dreams are made of. the sat? over. your hardest finals of the year? over. college apps? over. yeah, you should study and try to stave off senioritis, and you probably have some ap tests to look forward to in the spring.

but you should also enjoy your last few months of high school. so, stop reading and go do something fun! tell your teachers that magoosh gave you permission. 🙂



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