myka yamasaki

how to stay calm during college applications

so, it’s college application season. panicking? stressed? if you are either of these things, this post is for you. my first semester senior year i applied to about 12 different colleges, so i know what it is like. here is what i learned and what i think can help you stay calm.


1) stay on top of your work.

if you are a procrastinator, now is the time to curb your procrastinating ways. you want to make sure that work doesn’t pile up. otherwise, you will be swamped in homework and college applications. that is a sheer nightmare. stay ahead in school and you will never have to worry about having to do a huge paper and a college application in one night. you don’t want to end up like this cat…


2) start early.

start writing you personal statement and supplements as soon as you can. you want to finish them well in advance of the due date so that you have time to edit them with teachers and college counsellors. in addition, starting early prevents the pile up of work that i mentioned above. this way you won’t be stressed about finishing college applications on time but you will also know that they are great because you had the time to edit them thoroughly.


3) give yourself time to unwind.

i know it is hard when you are really busy but you need to allot some time to yourself where you do things for fun. whether it be reading a book, watching an episode of your favorite tv show, or eating out with friends, you have to do it sometimes. doing activities that make you unwind will help you stay calm throughout college applications. having something to look forward to can also help motivate you to complete work and applications.


4) pat yourself on the back.

senior year is the last year of high school and the bridge into adulthood. you need to enjoy it because you will never be in high school ever again. remember that you are good enough to do anything you set your mind to. college applications are scary and we all have expectations for ourselves but just trust me when i say that everything happens for a reason. even when things get tough senior year, know that you will prevail.


good luck! keep fighting because you can do this.



  • myka yamasaki

    myka will be attending occidental college (located in los angeles) in the fall and is very excited! she is looking forward to reflecting on her high school experience to help others do their best on the sat/act and in college admissions. she loves cats, food, and friends.

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