rachel kapelke-dale

how to get into the university of rochester: sat and act scores, gpa and more

how to get into the university of rochester - magoosh

if you’re looking for a friendly community feeling to your college—but also want the resources of a big research university—the university of rochester might be a great fit. with stellar academics, rochester is also the sixth largest employer in new york, giving you a sense of its size!

renowned for everything from it’s a cappella groups and music program to its institute of optics (yes, you read that right), rochester has something for everyone. curious? read on to find out everything you need to know about the university of rochester admissions: university of rochester sat scores, university of rochester act scores, and other things you should know about university of rochester admissions!

university of rochester sat scores (middle 50%) 1320-1500
university of rochester act scores (middle 50%) 30-34
university of rochester admissions rate 29%
university of rochester gpa average n/a

university of rochester sat scores

what are university of rochester sat scores? take a look.

math 680-790
evidence-based reading and writing 640-710

in evidence-based reading and writing, average university of rochester sat scores were 675, or a middle 50% range of 640-710 (that’s the 84th-96th percentiles). in math, average university of rochester sat scores were a whopping 728, with a middle 50% range of 680-790 (89th-99th percentile). that’s pretty high compared to many other schools, but it’s not out of reach with consistent work.

university of rochester act scores

as for university of rochester act scores, the school hasn’t released sectional scores. however, the overall university of rochester act scores (for students that submitted them) were 30-34, with an average of 31. that ranges from the 95th-99th percentiles of all test-takers, with an average percentile of 96. pretty steep!

university of rochester acceptance rate

the university of rochester admissions dropped ever-so-slightly this year, from 29.6% to 29.0% (from a record 21,300+ applicants).

what does this mean? in future admissions cycles, we can anticipate the school getting slightly more competitive. don’t let that phase you, though; keep your gpa up, get your test scores as high as you can, ask for great letters of recommendation, and submit your best possible application!

university of rochester gpa average

the average gpa of students admitted to the university of rochester was 3.8 (not sure how to calculate yours? magoosh can help you out!). if your gpa falls below this average, work on getting your sat or act scores up and polishing the rest of your application.

university of rochester freshmen profile

are all university of rochester students new yorkers? hardly! about a quarter of domestic students attending the school come from new york, but the university also has students from 43 other states. that’s not taking their international student body into consideration, which is enormous and includes students from 77 (!) countries.

around 28% of enrolled students are from underrepresented minority groups. separately, around 20% are the first in their families to attend college.

university of rochester admissions requirements and info

what else do you need to know to get into the university of rochester? before anything else, you should know that the university of rochester has a “test-optional” admissions policy. unlike many schools, they don’t require the sat or act.

this policy, begun in the 2019-2020 admissions cycle, is a huge change from previous years! but if you got an amazing score on your test, don’t worry–the admissions office will still take that into consideration. according to the admissions office:

“through our test-optional approach, applicants may decide for themselves which exam, if any, is an accurate representation of their ability and potential for future success. the university will continue to review and consider test scores for those applicants who decide to submit them. applicants choosing to not submit standardized tests will not be at a disadvantage nor will it negatively impact their application review.”


does university of rochester have early action?
no—but it does have early decision i and ii. what’s the difference? early action is a non-binding program. in other words, you can apply, be accepted, and still apply to other schools (or apply to other schools simultaneously), then make your ultimate choice. early decision is binding. if you’re accepted, you have to withdraw other applications. because of this, you can apply early action to many schools (but not the university of rochester), and early decision to only one.

does university of rochester offer merit scholarships?
yes, it does. even better news? they offer them to both first-year and transfer students! all undergrad students are considered for merit scholarships at the university of rochester, no matter what their financial background; academic achievement and future potential are the big factors here.

does the university of rochester require sat subject tests?
generally, no. certain programs may require them, though, so it’s best to check with those individually before you mark those saturday test-dates free.

how to get into the university of rochester

congratulations! you now know the key steps in how to get into the university of rochester. solid grades, great application (including essays)…and test scores within the university of rochester sat scores range or the university of rochester act scores range (btw, magoosh has a 100-point-increase guarantee for the sat and a 4-point increase guarantee for the act…just fyi!). ready to go forth and apply? good luck!


  • rachel kapelke-dale

    rachel is a magoosh content creator. she writes and updates content on our high school and gre blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. as a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the sat, act, toefl, gre, and gmat, and she is one of the authors of our magoosh act prep book. rachel has a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from brown university, an ma in cinematography from the université de paris vii, and a ph.d. in film studies from university college london. for over a decade, rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. her novel, the ballerinas, is forthcoming in december 2021 from st. martin’s press, while her memoir, graduates in wonderland, co-written with jessica pan, was published in 2014 by penguin random house. her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including vanity fair hollywood. when she isn’t strategically stringing words together at magoosh, you can find rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. join her on twitter, instagram, or facebook!

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