comments on: how to get into texas a&m: sat and act scores, gpa and more - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life tue, 31 aug 2021 07:00:58 +0000 hourly 1 by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 07 feb 2020 21:07:05 +0000 // in reply to gabe.

your sat score is definitely very good for application to texas a&m, gabe! 🙂 your extracurriculars and volunteering are a plus as well. the only thing that might work against you a bit is your class rank– texas a&m prefers to see people in the top 20%. so if you’re in the top 25%, but not in the top 20%, this could slightly reduce your chances. you do have a good gpa, and while a&m doesn’t normally look at gpa, pointing your 4.65 out in you application letter may help. (but talk to an admissions rep to know for sure.) all in all, i’d say it’s worth applying– you have a decent shot here, i think. 😀

by: gabe // wed, 20 nov 2019 02:42:59 +0000 // i have a 4.65 weighted gpa. i take all ap classes doing well (a’s and b’s) i got a 1310 on my sat and i haven’t taken the act yet. i am in the top 25% of my class, do you believe i have a good chance at getting in. i have been in a sport 4 years and another one 2 years i also volunteer sometimes. where do you think that puts me? can i get in?

by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 25 oct 2019 20:46:19 +0000 // in reply to maria villaran.

hi milagros,

we are providing this information, but we are a test prep company and do not represent texas a&m. i recommend that you contact texas a&m directly to ask for more information 🙂

by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 25 oct 2019 20:44:34 +0000 // in reply to austin davis.

hi austin,

this is something you’ll have to look up directly with texas a&m. i recommend searching their website or reaching out to an admissions counselor.

by: austin davis // fri, 25 oct 2019 18:20:07 +0000 // how many high school credits do i need to have to attend texas
a&m university

by: maria villaran // fri, 25 oct 2019 01:02:13 +0000 // pls my son has 17 years old and he had 1360 in sat and 99 in tofel.

i want to know ir there are good score for your university and what more we need to apply to your university?


by: magoosh test prep expert // tue, 20 aug 2019 02:41:06 +0000 // in reply to ani solis.

thanks for sharing, ani! best of luck to your daughter 🙂

by: ani solis // mon, 19 aug 2019 19:54:02 +0000 // my daughter is interested in texas a and m.
