rachel kapelke-dale

how to get into syracuse: sat and act scores, gpa and more

how to get into syracuse - magoosh

maybe you’ve been shouting “go orange!” since you could talk. maybe you’re a big fan of joyce carol oates, cheryl strayed, or william safire. or maybe you just really, really love snow (syracuse gets around 100 inches a year!).

if you fall into any of these three categories, syracuse university may be a great fit. with a strong greek system, amazing study-abroad programs, and lots of winter sports, syracuse has received accolades on many fronts. want to find out more about syracuse admissions—from syracuse sat scores and syracuse act scores to how to get into syracuse? you’re in the right place!

syracuse university sat scores (middle 50%) 1180-1370
syracuse university act scores (middle 50%) 25-30
syracuse university admissions rate 50%
syracuse university gpa average 3.4-4.0

syracuse sat scores

wondering if your sat scores match up to syracuse admissions’ standards? the best way to evaluate this is to see where you fall among syracuse sat scores for admitted students. take a look at the most recent data.

math 590-700
evidence-based reading and writing 590-670

what does this tell us about syracuse sat scores? they were pretty similar in both sections, with math scores slightly higher on average (644) than evidence-based reading and writing (626).

percentile-wise, syracuse sat scores are higher than average. in math, they range from the 72nd-92nd percentile of sat-takers, while in evidence-based reading and writing, they range from the 69th-90th percentiles.

what should you do if your scores fall significantly below this middle 50th percentile of syracuse sat scores? if there’s time left before the application deadline, it’s a great idea to re-prep and re-take the exam. however, if you don’t have time to do this, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any hope! make sure the other aspects of your application (your letters of recommendation, essays, etc.) are perfectly polished.

syracuse act scores

like many schools, syracuse accepts either the sat or the act. however, any advantage in taking one test over the other will come down to your individual preferences and talents; syracuse’s act scores are just as high as their sat scores.

section 25th percentile 75th percentile
english 25 33
math 25 29

with an average composite (overall) score of 25-30 in the middle 50th percentile (and an overall average score of 28), syracuse act scores fall between the 78th and 95th percentiles of all act test-takers.

if your scores aren’t within the range of syracuse act scores, don’t despair! do the best you can to raise them, if there’s time, by studying more and re-taking the exam; then work on shining on every other section of your application!

syracuse university acceptance rate

syracuse’s admission rate was 50% in the last cycle. competitive? yes. impossible? no! this means that they admit about half of students who apply.

to maximize your chances of getting into syracuse, write awesome essays, get strong letters of recommendation, and makes sure your application is as polished as it can be. and don’t forget to get your test scores as high as possible!

syracuse university gpa average

how to get into syracuse? having a great gpa doesn’t hurt (not sure about yours? magoosh can help you calculate it!) the most recent class of admitted students had a middle 50% gpa range of 3.4-4.0, with an average gpa of 3.7.

if you’re a senior, it’s probably too late to do anything about your gpa now. the good news is that you may be able to make up for a low gpa by making other parts of your application as strong as they can be. focus on what you can still control, not the past!

syracuse university freshmen profile

who attends syracuse? more women than men tend to apply (19,715 versus 15,266 in 2018), and the admitted student ratio reflects this, skewing slightly more female—though the enrolled student body is pretty close to equal.

almost 30% of the enrolled students were admitted early decision/early action, meaning that you might want to consider this choice if syracuse is your top pick!

academically, syracuse admission accepted students with great class ranks: 39% were in the top 10% of their high school class; 71% were in the top 25% of their class; 94% were in the top 50%; only 1% were in the bottom 25%.

syracuse admissions requirements and info

so: how to get into syracuse university? a high school diploma, the sat or act scores, and the common app are absolute musts. the sat subject tests aren’t required; neither is the essay for the sat or act (but be careful—other schools you’re applying to might require it, so don’t write it off just yet!) (pun unintended).

unlike some other colleges, syracuse doesn’t have a standard list of credits or particular subjects it requires its admitted students to have taken in high school. nevertheless, syracuse admissions does state that a “college preparatory curriculum” (the classes that will best prepare you for success in college) includes:

  • english: 4 years
  • science: 4 years
  • social studies: 4 years
  • math: 4 years (including geometry and intermediate algebra)
  • foreign language: 3 years

again, though, those are recommendations, not requirements. if you’ve completed most but not all of those classes and syracuse is your dream school, don’t let that stop you from applying!


does syracuse have early decision?

yes, but read on carefully: it does not offer early action. early decision is binding; early action is not. so if you apply to syracuse early decision and you’re accepted, that’s where you’re going! if you’re conflicted about that, don’t apply early decision.

one exciting program syracuse offers is early decision ii. this has a january 1 deadline (normal early decision deadlines are much earlier), but offers the advantage of showing syracuse admissions how serious you are about attending. if you’ve made up your mind (or finished your application) a bit later, but you’re now sure syracuse is the place for you, go for it!

does syracuse require letters of recommendation?

yep! syracuse (like most schools taking the common app) requires two teacher recommendations and one counselor recommendation.

does syracuse require act writing?

no. but you may still wish to take it if you’re an awesome writer and/or are applying to other schools that do require it. also good to know: sat subject tests aren’t required either!

how to get into syracuse

how to get into syracuse? get your gpa as high as you can, ask your favorite teachers for strong letters of recommendation, fill out the common app. and make sure to boost your test scores as high as possible, preferably within the middle 50% of admitted syracuse sat scores and syracuse act scores (good to know: magoosh has a 100-point-increase guarantee for the sat and a 4-point increase guarantee for the act!). then practice your winter sports…those are some skills you’ll be needing if you get in. good luck!


  • rachel kapelke-dale

    rachel is a magoosh content creator. she writes and updates content on our high school and gre blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. as a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the sat, act, toefl, gre, and gmat, and she is one of the authors of our magoosh act prep book. rachel has a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from brown university, an ma in cinematography from the université de paris vii, and a ph.d. in film studies from university college london. for over a decade, rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. her novel, the ballerinas, is forthcoming in december 2021 from st. martin’s press, while her memoir, graduates in wonderland, co-written with jessica pan, was published in 2014 by penguin random house. her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including vanity fair hollywood. when she isn’t strategically stringing words together at magoosh, you can find rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. join her on twitter, instagram, or facebook!

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