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admissions officers are people too

do you ever wonder who looks at your college application after you click “submit”? as it turns out, admissions officers aren’t as mysterious as you might think. today, our friends at offer you a look inside a college adcom. enjoy!

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looking inside the closed doors of a college admissions committee.

the college application process may seem mysterious. it is hard to know what goes on behind closed doors, as admissions officers pour over hundreds of applications.

what goes on in the offices, hidden from people’s view, is not a strange as you might believe.

working in a college admissions office requires long, demanding days. many people lose sleep as they look over applications. given the amount of applications an admissions officers sees on a daily basis, estimated between 60-120 per day, it takes a lot for an applicant to standout. things like grades and test scores are likely very similar across applicants, so essays, extra curricular activities and unique qualities about each student are weighed heavily.

when members of the admission committee have finished reading applications, they meet as a group. each takes turns sharing their views on the applications they reviewed with their co-workers. the group then votes on whether the student should be admitted, denied, or put on a wait list.

admissions officers want to find the best students for their school. that means that they are looking for students who best fit the academic model of their school and seem like credible individuals. schools need to look good on paper as well as in real-life, so there’s more to the admission process than just numbers.

in addition to grades, tests and extra curriculars, it’s important to remember that each student comes from a different background and faces unique challenges that should be accounted for. remember that admissions officers are people, too. if they see that you needed to help support your family, they may overlook a lack of extra-curricular activities, for example. but, you have to make it clear in your application that is the case, if you hope to win over the committee.

in addition to prepping your application, keep in mind that your grades for the remainder of high school are taken into account as well, even after you’ve been accepted. things like your scholarship or even acceptance can be revoked if you fail to uphold your gpa.

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in other words, don’t be like this guy!

there’s a lot to take in here, but if you continue to work hard in school you’ll be fine. if you’re looking for additional things that will help you add a notch or two to your application, visiting the school and chatting with admission counselors never hurts 🙂

make your interests known, and it may just end up giving you that extra boost that you need in the competitive college admissions landscape.

as always remember that these admissions officers want you to succeed. they want to bring driven and unique students into their university and help you every step of the way, so do not be afraid to reach out, express your interest and be proactive throughout the application process.
brandon pindulic is a marketing coordinator at applykit. he blogs at and is an avid mets fan.


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