nadira berman

four ways to prepare for college this summer

congrats seniors! it’s summer and you’re done with high school! you will now have a lot of extra free time. do fun things, but try to also be productive. by the time the new school year begins, you’ll be organized and prepared.

know how to feed yourself

figure out some quick and easy snacks that you can prepare in your dorm. that way, you won’t have to go to the dining hall every time you feel a little hungry. you’ll save meal swipes and energy.

but make sure that these snacks are healthy, as well! you’ll likely be eating a lot more pizza and fries than you normally would, so try to get in some nutrition where you can. fully utilize your mini fridge by stocking it with things like yogurt and fresh fruit.

check out this site for some ideas.

keep your brain fresh

start off the academic year on the right foot by keeping your brain in school mode over the summer. create a summer book list and follow through with it. read the newspaper. keep a journal in order to maintain your writing skills. although you may not want to do any kind of academic work right now, you’ll thank yourself later.

save money

try to spend as little money as possible this summer. put the majority of it away into an account where you won’t have easy access to it. again, you’ll thank yourself when school rolls around and you have tons of unexpected expenses. get used to being self sufficient and stop asking your parents for money.

if you can, get a summer job. it’s good to get work experience to put on your resume, but it’s especially good to have some extra spending money before you head off to school.


no matter how active you normally are, the summer before college is a great time to get in better shape. annihilate any chance of the freshman 15. get in the habit of frequently working out so that you can easily continue at your college’s gym.



  • nadira berman

    as a summer marketing intern, nadira is excited to help high schoolers prepare for the sat and act. as a freshman at the university of pennsylvania, she is considering studying economics. in her free time, she reports for the school newspaper and styles photo shoots for the school’s fashion magazine. besides fashion and journalism, her passions include bagels, smoothies and netflix.

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