
five reasons to join clubs in college

you will make new friends

starting college not knowing anyone can be a daunting experience. you are experiencing a completely new environment with people you’ve never met before. clubs help you in this area by connecting you to other students with similar interests as you. for example, if you join photography club because you love photography, you are going to meet new friends who share the same passion as you! also, when you meet new people in clubs, they will connect you to other people they have met, and so on.

they look good on a resume

although future recruiters are mostly looking at your education, grades, and professional experience, they also want to see that you are well rounded. seeing that you have been a part of clubs shows that you are willing to take the extra step to get the most out of your college experience. it may also show that you are experienced in a leadership position or that your club experience relates to what career you are looking to get into.

they relieve stress

between all of your tests, homework, presentations and quizzes, clubs are a nice way to break up your day. you may think that joining a club will be just another obligation on your list, but it will be something you enjoy doing because you chose to join it. you are most likely going to be doing fun activities with fellow members, which will relive the stress of everyday college life.

you will be more connected to your school

colleges have an endless amount of resources, but you have to seek them out. being involved in clubs will allow you to feel like you are a part of your school, not just another student. for example, if you join your college’s marketing club, you may have the chance to travel the country to different competitions on behalf of your school. you represent your college when you join clubs on campus. you may also meet new faculty through activities you are involved in, which connects you to your school that much more.

you will discover your passions and strengths

there is no better way to discover what you like and what you’re good at than to try a little bit of everything. when you join multiple clubs on campus, you will find things you like and things you don’t like. these passions and strengths will follow you all throughout your life. when you discover something knew that you enjoy, you are going to continue to follow that passion. every new experience will expand your horizons!

article submitted by nextstepu | by alexa styliadis.


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