author: tanya shah

how to make your essay not boring
bored by your own college essay? here are some tips that will liven it up, from ethan sawyer, aka the college essay guy! here are three tips to help you avoid writing an essay that’s, for lack of a better word, boring: 1. make sure the connections your essay makes are non-obvious and specific.…
the ultimate senioritis playlist
hey class of 2015! it’s second semester senior year. this means a combination of excitement… and laziness. but let’s be honest, it mostly means laziness. unfortunately, we still have several months until graduation, even though we’re all sooooooo done. here are some songs that basically sum up life right about now. 1. “the lazy…
how can i write my personal statement in one night?
it’s the worst place to find yourself—the night before your college apps are due with nothing but a blank word doc before you. check out these tips for how make it work even at the very last minute, from ethan sawyer the college essay guy. first of all, if there is anything in this bright…