author: tanya shah

college vs. high school: homework
one of the biggest academic differences between high school and college is the homework. in college, professors assign homework in a different way and they have different expectations. therefore, your whole routine of doing homework will be very unlike your routine in high school.
what are rolling admissions?
with college application season coming to a close, there are still many options for students who have yet to apply for college or are looking for more schools to apply to. schools with rolling admissions can save students who feel they have missed their opportunity to apply to college. you haven’t!
senior year: the nostalgia
throughout my junior year and the summer leading up to my senior year, i was flooded with advice on my senior year of high school. the most common advice that was given to me was to cherish every moment of my senior year, because it would be over sooner than expected. so that’s what i…