author: tanya shah

study smarter not harder
it’s a cliché you’ve heard over and over again — “study smarter, not harder” — but what does it actually mean when “studying” means something different to everyone? unfortunately, for many of us it can seem to mean spending hours on end pouring over our textbooks only to end up more confused than when we…
junior year: making that college list
enjoy this new post from one of magoosh’s high school bloggers! i want a shirt that says “2nd semester junior year.” i then want to burn that shirt. if you are in my situation, then you are either: 1) shredding all your used ap books, 2) sobbing uncontrollably as finals creep around the corner,…
think you procrastinate now? wait ’til you get to college!
hey guys, the studymode team is back again! we recently surveyed some of our high school and college members to get a little insight into their study habits. and what we learned just might help you prepare for life in college. odds are, you’re going to procrastinate when you get to college procrastination is…