author: ronke aderonmu

ronke aderonmu
  • sat data interpretation

    bars and pies? yum, pass the ice cream! charts? whoa, sounds like a fun new board game. well, in both cases you are mistaken. the most common graphs featured on the sat math are bar graphs and pie charts. having a basic understanding of these two graphs can go a long way on the sat…

  • what to bring to the sat

    fear of the unknown is a big cause of pre-sat stress. but it doesn’t have to be. the sat is a known entity! many of us have taken it (multiple times) and we have wisdom to share. so, if you’re stressed because you don’t know what to expect on saturday, you’re not alone. let us…

  • best free sat vocabulary resources

    you don’t need to spend hours making flashcards to improve your sat vocabulary. try these great free sat vocab tools instead!