rita neumann, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/author/ritakreig/ act, sat, college admissions, life tue, 10 aug 2021 21:10:35 +0000 en-us hourly 1 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/files/2024/01/primary-checks-96x96-1.png rita neumann, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/author/ritakreig/ 32 32 top 10 ways to prepare for the act //www.catharsisit.com/hs/act/top-ten-ways-to-prepare-for-the-act/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/act/top-ten-ways-to-prepare-for-the-act/#respond wed, 18 jul 2018 16:53:19 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/?p=13121 want to know how to prep for act test day? look no further! our experts share the top 10 ways you can prepare for the act, from study schedules to pacing.

the post top 10 ways to prepare for the act appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

windy paved road with yellow solid stripe down the middle, representing the student's journey preparing for the act - image by magoosh

a good act score can help you get into your top college choices, as well as qualify you for college scholarships! but how can you prep for the act? these 10 quick tips will help—get started on your journey to prepare for and ace the act test!

1. buy at least two reputable study books

here’s your first act study tip: start studying with the act official guide and the material on the official act website. books from reputable companies such as kaplan or mcgraw-hill are excellent supplemental materials to prep for act test day. look for content with a lot of practice tests!

wondering which book is best for you? read our act book reviews for our honest opinions on the top contenders.

2. learn the most frequently tested concepts

here’s your next act self-study tip: on the act english and act math tests, there are a finite number of tested concepts: grammar, algebra, geometry, trig, etc. you will need to figure out what you already know, and what you need to work on for the act (more on this in tip #6). the good news: the questions are predictable! if you learn these concepts, you’ll see them pop up over and over again.

3. get inside the heads of the test-makers

as you’re preparing for act test day, try to develop an understanding of what the test-makers “prefer” in terms of the answer choices. for example, after studying the act english test for some time, you’ll notice how the act test makers prefer concise answers, or “economy of language.” this kind of understanding will help you make better educated guesses on harder problems. this free act ebook is a great resource for understanding the different question types and answer choices.

4. use the entire time for each section

even if you are naturally a fast test-taker, make sure to use the entire given time. if you finish a test (a.k.a. a section) early, go back and review the questions, slowly “re-taking” them and checking for simple mistakes. even the smartest students get easy questions wrong when rushing, and if you’re looking to ace the act, you need to be maximizing your points in every section.

prepare for the act today with magoosh!
you can choose between a live cohorted class with an instructor (which includes all our lessons and practice questions) or access to the self-study option by itself.

5. plan out a reasonable act study schedule

to make sure you get the act test date and testing center you want, register early, at least three months before the exam. that way you can find an act study schedule that you can reasonably complete between now and your test.

be realistic with yourself. how much time can you commit each week to act practice questions before the point when you take the act? it’s better to study 20-30 minutes a day than four hours once a week. aim to prep for act test day at least four days a week.

6. pinpoint your weaknesses and attack them

are you a slow reader? (if so, we have the video for you below!) is your act math knowledge so-so? grammar got you down? use a practice test so you know where to start going into your act test preparations. then, plan to address those areas first as you prepare for act test day. you’ll need more time for the weaknesses.

don’t put off studying what you need for the act just because you dread it! if you want to learn how to ace the act, these act prep strategies will set you on the right path. soon, you’ll begin to answer these questions with confidence!

7. get in the mindset to ace the act

remember that test-taking is a learned skill, not an inherent gift. some people may seem to be “naturally” good at the act, but even if you’re not one of them, you can still learn how to ace the act! start by thinking positively and allow yourself to celebrate your milestones along your act test prep journey.

also recognize that making mistakes is necessary for improvement when you prep for the act. incorrect answers to practice questions help you hone in on areas that need more work, so welcome them! (just make sure you understand why you got them wrong, so you can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.)

8. do timed practice periodically to check your pacing

the act is comprised of five tests: english, math, reading, science, and writing (in that order). these sections have different challenges regarding pacing, with different numbers of questions and different time limits. you will need to develop a pacing strategy for each act section, and practice so you are confident you can finish within the allotted time.

9. memorize the instructions for each act test section

don’t waste valuable time reading and re-reading instructions at the test center. each test has its own set of directions. prepare for act test day by familiarizing yourself with them now.

10. take advantage of free, high-quality resources

it’s amazing how many students take the act without ever having visited the official website! this should be your first stop in your journey to prep for act test day. magoosh also has tons of free resources you can use along the way:

we hope these quick tips for act prep help you feel more confident about starting your act preparations. happy act studying!

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10 best summer prep resources //www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/10-best-summer-prep-resources/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/10-best-summer-prep-resources/#respond tue, 21 jun 2016 23:35:14 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/?p=7392 study for the act and sat during summer vacation with the help of the 10 most popular summer prep resources from the magoosh high school blog.

the post 10 best summer prep resources appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

as evidenced by the full-blown daylight at 8:30pm last night and the record temperatures in certain parts of the united states (we feel for you, arizona!), summer has arrived. welcome, old friend! as a perpetual student myself, i wish you months of relaxation, fun, and travel. as a test prep tutor, i feel it is my duty to remind you that summer is a perfect time to study for your upcoming sat and/or act exam. and i’m here to help by offering you a beautiful list of the 10 best summer prep resources we have to offer.

10 best summer prep resources

the following ten posts regularly receive high traffic on the magoosh high school blog. i’ve organized them into three sections: sat & act resources, sat resources, and act resources. click the image corresponding to each post to check it out.

happy studying and happy summer!

sat & act resource

1. act to sat score conversion

act to sat score conversion

the sat and act exams use different scoring systems, which makes comparing one score to the other unnecessarily complicated. this post can help make that process a whole lot easier.

sat summer prep resources

2. full-length sat practice tests

sat practice tests

this resource is worth its metaphorical weight in gold. it contains links to sat practice tests that are free, official, and full-length. learn to love this post, because if you aren’t sitting down for regular timed tests, then you’re not going to meet your full potential on the sat. oh yeah, i went there.

3. what’s a good sat score?

good sat score

out with the perfect 2400 and in with the perfect 1600! with the complete overhaul of the sat exam came a complete change in the answer to the age old question: “is my sat score good enough?” read to discover what this means for you.

4. sat essay prompts

sat essay prompts

the sat essay is no longer required, but that does not mean that you should skip it. this list of sample essay prompts will help you prepare for the new assessment.

5. average sat scores

average sat scores

let’s aim to be better than average — at least on the sat exam. but first, let’s talk about what that really means.

act summer prep resources

6. how to score a perfect score on the new act essay

act essay

this isn’t your older sibling’s act essay. the new act essay is a bit more complex, but this post will give you all the help you need to prepare.

7. act raw score conversion chart

act raw to scaled score chart

take a full-length 2022世界杯入门名单 and what do you get? a raw score. use our handy chart to convert your raw score into a scaled score and find out how you performed on the act’s 1 to 36 scale.

8. the real act prep guide, 4th edition aka the official act guide 2016-2017

real act prep guide 4th edition

act finally came out with a new act prep book!! it’s official, it’s up to date, and we have some strong feelings about it. read this before shelling out any money. trust me.

9. average act score by state

average act score

well done, connecticut and massachusetts. your average composite act score is looking pretty good. hawaii … you’ve got some work to do. see where your state ranks and what this means for your score.

10. full-length 2022世界杯入门名单s


see “full-length sat practice tests” (#2) above. this resource is better than any prep book on the market because it contains free, official practice tests to help you prep for the act. set aside some time to do one of these a week, and you’ll improve your score in no time.

that’s all i have for you!

let me know what you think of these resources by leaving a comment below.

the post 10 best summer prep resources appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/10-best-summer-prep-resources/feed/ 0 summer resources act to sat score conversion (1) where to find full-length sat practice tests what’s a good sat score- sat essay prompts average sat scores the new act essay act raw to scaled score chart real act prep guide update- average act score 2022世界杯入门名单s
act ebook – free pdf download //www.catharsisit.com/hs/act/act-ebook/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/act/act-ebook/#comments tue, 08 dec 2015 17:00:50 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/?p=4859 the magoosh act ebook is your complete guide the the act exam. download this free resource, and use it throughout your act prep.

the post act ebook – free pdf download appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

act ebook - free pdf download
download your free act ebook from magoosh

meet the magoosh act ebook

the magoosh act ebook is your complete guide to the act exam. and it’s completely free. 🙂

this resource comes from the same magoosh act experts who brought you magoosh act prep and the magoosh high school blog. this free ebook will help you begin your act prep, give you the information and strategies you’ll need as you get closer to your exam, and even help you understand your scores after the test.

perfect for both beginners and advanced students, this act ebook has a little something for everyone.

what you’ll get from this free act ebook

the magoosh act ebook:

  • walks you through the format of the act exam
  • explains every type of question the act could ask
  • spells out proven strategies for each question type
  • includes act practice problems and explanations to help you gain experience
  • has tons of helpful graphs, images, anecdotes, and nerdy jokes to make your prep more fun



the magoosh act ebook isn’t written like a textbook. it isn’t dense or dry, and you won’t need a million post-it notes just to keep track of what’s going on.

in fact, there are no rules—you can use this new resource in whatever way works for you. because it’s a pdf, you can feel free to read it online, save it for later use, or even print out certain sections to read on the go.

here’s the best way to get started:

    1. check out the table of contents to see what sounds cool. the table of contents is clickable, so go ahead and navigate straight to that section. see? already better than a textbook.

    2. skim through the parts you naturally find most interesting.

    3. then, when you’ve gotten a better idea of the ebook’s format, spend more time on the sections you need the most help in. learn the strategies, try some practice problems, and take lots of notes. have questions? leave a comment on this post. 🙂

    4. when you’re ready for more resources, visit our act study guide. it expands on the ebook and offers additional resources, such as a study calendar, handy prep checklist, and act test-specific study schedules.

get your copy of magoosh’s free act ebook

did i mention that this new act ebook is completely free?

get your own copy here.

we really hope you like the magoosh act ebook! let us know what you think by leaving a comment below. 🙂

the post act ebook – free pdf download appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/act/act-ebook/feed/ 7 act ebook – free pdf download act-cta-button-ebook
what should i major in? //www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/what-should-i-major-in/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/what-should-i-major-in/#comments wed, 02 sep 2015 16:00:50 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/hs/?p=4315 picking your major is an exciting process. there really is no wrong choice, and your decision depends entirely on your own strengths, interests, and dreams for the future. use this flowchart infographic to figure out what you should major in! then comment to let us know what you got.

the post what should i major in? appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

choosing your college major

picking your major is an exciting process. there really is no wrong choice, and your decision depends entirely on your own strengths, interests, and dreams for the future. read on to:

  • use our fun infographic to figure out which major is right for you.
  • understand more about college majors and how they work.
  • learn the four most important things to keep in mind when choosing your major.


what should you major in?

use this flowchart infographic to figure out what you should major in! then comment to let us know what you got. 🙂

click the infographic to enlarge the image:


why are majors important?

a major is an area of study that you will specialize in during your time in college. most of your courses (about 1/3 – 1/2) will be related to your major.

at most four-year colleges, you must declare your major by the end of your sophomore year, or when you’ve achieved the number of credits typical of an incoming junior. this means that students have two academic years to take prerequisite courses in different disciplines and figure out which areas of study they find most interesting. that’s a lot of time!

in fact, many universities require undergraduate students take general education (ge) requirement courses in multiple disciplines, so that students have a broad understanding of the university’s offerings.

ges provide a great opportunity for students to experiment with disciplines that they didn’t study in high school (things like cognitive science, anthropology, biochemical engineering, environmental systems, linguistics, regional studies … the options are fairly endless).

some students opt to double major, or major in two different fields. some choose to have a major and a minor (a specialization with fewer course requirements), and some even create their own major with the help of university faculty.

college will probably be the first time in your life that you get to choose the majority of your classes. take this opportunity to learn fun new things, discover more about your own interests, and explore your university’s unique offerings!

4 things to do when selecting your major


  1. experiment and take risks
      take courses that seem interesting and choose topics that motivate you to learn more outside of the classroom. you want to be pretty confident that you can do well in the class, while also being willing to take risks.
  2. think long-term
      some majors (like nursing or engineering) teach you how to perform a trade. they’ll prepare you to begin a specific career once you graduate. other majors (like international studies or english) often teach you more theoretical skills that can be applied in many ways after graduation. consider which type of major you would prefer, and what type of career you might ultimately like to have.
  3. remember that you can change your mind
      most students change majors once or twice during college – and that’s completely okay!
  4. consider what you love
      people are predisposed to enjoy, and excel at, certain disciplines. use the flowchart above to see how your interests and skills align with possible majors!


best of luck in college! 🙂


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//www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/what-should-i-major-in/feed/ 6 edited-whatmajor-1a-1500×1000
good luck on your sat //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/good-luck-on-your-sat/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/good-luck-on-your-sat/#comments sat, 14 mar 2015 09:00:57 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/sat/?p=3151 we’re rooting for your success! let us know how you felt about today’s test by leaving a comment below. 🙂  

the post good luck on your sat appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

good luck

we’re rooting for your success!

let us know how you felt about today’s test by leaving a comment below. 🙂


the post good luck on your sat appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/good-luck-on-your-sat/feed/ 1 good luck
living with the uncertainty of college applications //www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/living-with-the-uncertainty-of-college-applications/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/living-with-the-uncertainty-of-college-applications/#respond thu, 15 jan 2015 17:00:01 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/sat/?p=3106 remember that moment of excitement-relief-terror you experienced when you submitted your final college application? it didn’t last long. submitting college apps is a double-edged sword. on the one hand, you no longer have to spend countless hours perfecting personal statements, re-typing extracurriculars, entering numbers into forms, etc. that agony finally reached its end. on the […]

the post living with the uncertainty of college applications appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

remember that moment of excitement-relief-terror you experienced when you submitted your final college application? it didn’t last long.

submitting college apps is a double-edged sword. on the one hand, you no longer have to spend countless hours perfecting personal statements, re-typing extracurriculars, entering numbers into forms, etc. that agony finally reached its end.

on the other hand, there’s the waiting.

the realizing that you are not in control of your destiny. the uncertainty.

guide to

it’s okay. as tough as it is to just wait it out, my recommendation is that you do everything in your power to enjoy this in-between time. there’s something very freeing in knowing that you’ve done your best and this big life decision is out of your hands for a couple of months. you’ll have other tough decisions to make when you get your acceptance letters, and decide which college you’ll ultimately attend. but, for now, you can relax and enjoy senior year.

remember … second semester senior year is what dreams are made of. the sat? over. your hardest finals of the year? over. college apps? over. yeah, you should study and try to stave off senioritis, and you probably have some ap tests to look forward to in the spring.

but you should also enjoy your last few months of high school. so, stop reading and go do something fun! tell your teachers that magoosh gave you permission. 🙂


the post living with the uncertainty of college applications appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/college-admissions/living-with-the-uncertainty-of-college-applications/feed/ 0 guide to
what to bring to the sat //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/what-to-bring-to-the-sat/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/what-to-bring-to-the-sat/#respond thu, 09 oct 2014 16:00:12 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/sat/?p=2758 fear of the unknown is a big cause of pre-sat stress. but it doesn’t have to be. the sat is a known entity! many of us have taken it (multiple times) and we have wisdom to share. so, if you’re stressed because you don’t know what to expect on saturday, you’re not alone. let us […]

the post what to bring to the sat appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

fear of the unknown is a big cause of pre-sat stress.


but it doesn’t have to be. the sat is a known entity! many of us have taken it (multiple times) and we have wisdom to share.

so, if you’re stressed because you don’t know what to expect on saturday, you’re not alone. let us walk you through sat test day before it even happens.

sat test day checklist

a great way to stave off test anxiety is to gather everything you need to take to the test before saturday.


that way, on saturday morning, you can wake up early, have a nice healthy breakfast, grab your sat bag, and head out the door without any last minute trips to the store for no. 2 pencils. or searches in your mom’s jewelry box for your birth certificate. or anything else that causes stress and could make you late for the sat.

don’t be late for the sat!!

stuff that’s required:

  • your admission ticket
    • sign into your college board “my sat” account and select, “print admission ticket”.
  • two no. 2 pencils with new erasers
    • you can only use no. 2 pencils on the sat, and you’ll need good erasers in case you fill in the bubbles wrong.
  • your photo id
    • check this list to see what qualifies as an acceptable id.
  • a calculator
    • graphing calculators, scientific calculators, and 4-function calculators are all okay. double check that you have an acceptable calculator by reading the calculator policy.

pro tip: put all of these items in a clear ziploc bag so that you can keep everything organized at your desk without arousing any suspicion from the proctor!

gif 3


stuff that’s nice to have:

  • a bag or backpack
    • you’ll keep this bag at the front or back of the room, so don’t bring your jansport backpack that’s exactly the same as everyone else’s. bring something recognizable that you don’t mind leaving out of sight during the test. (think: tote bag not designer purse).
  • a snack and a drink
    • you’ll get a short break during the test, so bring a snack that you can eat quickly in between sections. i recommend water and a slightly sugary snack like trail mix with m&ms or a snicker’s bar – you’ll want the protein and (light) sugar high to get you through the remaining sections.
  • extra batteries
    • you really don’t want your calculator to run out of batteries during the test. i strongly recommend going into the sat with fresh batteries in your calculator. either way, bring extras – it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • a watch
    • some testing locations don’t have a very visible clock. the proctor will help you with time management, but you’ll feel less stressed if you can keep track of the time on your own. make sure that your watch does not make any noise. if your alarm accidentally goes off during the test, you will be accused of cheating. don’t risk it.

pro tip: if you’re worried about what you’re allowed to bring to the sat, find more information on the college board’s website.



guys, you’re ready

trust in all the hard work that you’ve put in. don’t second guess yourself. do everything in your power to go into the test confident, well-rested, and well-nourished – then, do your best!


the post what to bring to the sat appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/what-to-bring-to-the-sat/feed/ 0 gif meme gif 3 gif2
best free sat vocabulary resources //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/best-free-sat-vocabulary-resources/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/best-free-sat-vocabulary-resources/#respond wed, 01 oct 2014 09:00:02 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/sat/?p=2729 you don't need to spend hours making flashcards to improve your sat vocabulary. try these great free sat vocab tools instead!

the post best free sat vocabulary resources appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

sat vocabulary can be tough. it’s definitely a step above the vocab level that you’re supposed to attain in high school. in fact, the sat expects you to have a college-level vocabulary in order to get past their critical reading and sentence completion sections.

the last thing that you want on a 25-minute sat section is to be stumped by some tricky words …


… because vocabulary knowledge and time-management go hand in hand on this test.

at the same time, you don’t want to spend hours copying sat words and definitions into quizlet or – worse – onto index cards. luckily, the internet is here to save you.

[tweet “master #sat #vocabulary with the best #free #online vocabulary tools.”]

free online sat vocab tools

these five resources are all online, all free, and all awesome for sat vocab prep. check them out:

1. wordnik


their “word of the day” from september 26th. it may not be an sat word, but i’m going to try to work it into daily conversation anyway:

word of the day

wordnik is a great online dictionary. look up any word and you’ll get definitions, lots of examples (often with illustrations and fun cultural references), and huge lists or related words (synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, words used in the same context, and a reverse dictionary). you can also create your own word lists, which is great tool to have when you’re studying for the sat/act.

i love that wordnik uses a lot of images. they also have audio pronunciations so that you can learn how to say all the fancy new words you’re learning. good to know before you try out new vocab on your friends and family.

my favorite part of the site is the word of the day button at the top of the page. i mean … buttocker? really? i could have gone the rest of my life without ever knowing this word existed.

2. magoosh sat vocabulary flashcards

magoosh-logo-purple-300x79free sat flashcards   magoosh sat

it would be wild not to recommend the vocabulary resource that we made just for you!

magoosh sat flashcards allow you to prioritize your prep based on your current level of vocab mastery. start with basic words, then work you way up to advanced words. or, focus your time on the most common words found on the sat. it’s really up to you and how much time you have to study.

our flashcards narrow down sat vocabulary to the 350 most frequently tested sat words. that way, you don’t waste your time learning lots of new vocab that you’ll never see on the sat. (not that learning new vocab is a waste of time – just save those other words for after your sat.) 🙂

the app is currently available for free download on iphone and android, so you can study on the go without an internet connection. or, you can practice online. it’s up to you.

3. vocabulary.com

vocabulary.com   learn words   english dictionary2

i love this site, because it makes studying vocabulary more like a game. you answer a few of their online flashcards, and then vocabulary.com figures out your personal vocab level. they’ll give you words you don’t know, and when you get questions wrong they’ll bring them back later for review.

the more flashcards you answer, the better they understand your strengths and weaknesses. basically, they’ll teach you only words you don’t know (no boring repetition of words that you’ve known forever) and they don’t let you forget the words that you struggle with. plus, you can track your progress.

it’s also a nice site to use as an online dictionary. but that’s really the least cool thing about it. and if you’re only looking for an online dictionary, may i recommend …

4. freerice

freericelarge means    english vocabulary   play online  learn online and feed the hungry   freerice.com

freerice.com allows you to study and alleviate world hunger at the same time. seriously. freerice is a non-profit website owned by the un world food programme. its goals include providing free education around the world, and helping to end world hunger by donating free rice to those in need.

here’s how it works: you play trivia games on the site. for vocabulary, i recommend the english vocabulary game. for every question that you answer correctly, the site donates 10 grains of rice to the un world food programme. you get smarter and the un alleviates malnutrition in developing countries – win/win.

just so you know, the words start off really easy (see “large” above), but get more difficult as you go along. just advance through the levels and you’ll start seeing words you don’t know.

5. memrise

memriselearning  powered by imagination.   memrise

memrise hosts thousands of free courses, including a large number of advanced english vocabulary classes. the unique thing about these courses is that they all use interesting science-based techniques to help you memorize new vocab words and their definitions. they call these techniques “mems” – little imaginative or humorous mnemonic devices that make new information easier and more fun to learn.

for example, if you were trying to learn the word, “indent”, you would be shown a picture of a car with a slight dent – or indentation – in it. this visual aid would help you associate the word with a meaning that’s applicable to your own life. you can add your own “mems” to help build the course for yourself and for future students. it’s actually pretty addictive.

memrise also has an app, so you can study whenever you have a few minutes of free time.


bonus: #6! we’ve compiled the ultimate list of free sat resources, with ebooks, practice tests, and more. check it out!


happy studying! let us know how you like these resources, or if you recommend any others, by leaving us a comment below. 🙂

the post best free sat vocabulary resources appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/best-free-sat-vocabulary-resources/feed/ 0 studying-gif wordnik word of the day magoosh-logo-purple-300x79 free sat flashcards magoosh sat vocabulary.com learn words english dictionary 2 freerice large means english vocabulary play online learn online and feed the hungry freerice.com memrise learning powered by imagination. memrise
18 unexpected tips for a higher sat score //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/18-unexpected-tips-for-a-higher-sat-score/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/18-unexpected-tips-for-a-higher-sat-score/#comments thu, 24 jul 2014 09:00:05 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/sat/?p=2420 a great sat score. it’ll take more than traditional studying to achieve. you’ll need guts, perseverance, and … bacon? yes, bacon. or sugar. or clairvoyance or a kitchen timer or a cute panda video. really, you’ll need a combination of the following 18 sat lifehacks. they go far beyond book learning. in fact, some of […]

the post 18 unexpected tips for a higher sat score appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

a great sat score. it’ll take more than traditional studying to achieve. you’ll need guts, perseverance, and … bacon?

yes, bacon. or sugar. or clairvoyance or a kitchen timer or a cute panda video.

really, you’ll need a combination of the following 18 sat lifehacks. they go far beyond book learning. in fact, some of them are downright bizarre. but hey – whatever works, right?

sat lifehack infographic

these 18 unexpected tips can boost your sat prep whether you have a month, a day, or 15 minutes left until your test. they’ll make it easier remain calm, focused, confident, and organized. plus, they’ll help ensure that your mind and body are in top shape for the challenge that lies ahead.

let us know which of our 18 unexpected tips you try!


which tip do you like best? leave a comment and let us know!

all magoosh sat prep plans are digital sat ready! start studying today.


the post 18 unexpected tips for a higher sat score appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

//www.catharsisit.com/hs/sat/18-unexpected-tips-for-a-higher-sat-score/feed/ 1 mockup_12
how to study online without getting distracted //www.catharsisit.com/hs/gen/how-to-study-online-without-getting-distracted/ //www.catharsisit.com/hs/gen/how-to-study-online-without-getting-distracted/#comments wed, 28 may 2014 09:00:26 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/sat/?p=2003 when you want to study for the sat online, the internet becomes your best friend and your worst enemy. yes, you have access to wonderful resources all in one place, from the comfort of your own home. but, oh the temptation to procrastinate!! you know what i’m talking about. you go online to check facebook […]

the post how to study online without getting distracted appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

when you want to study for the sat online, the internet becomes your best friend and your worst enemy. yes, you have access to wonderful resources all in one place, from the comfort of your own home. but, oh the temptation to procrastinate!!

you know what i’m talking about. you go online to check facebook for 2 minutes, and 30 minutes later you’ve delved deep into a friend of a friend’s pics from 3 years ago. a 20-minute break to watch a quick episode of something becomes a full-on netflix binge. don’t even get me started on the black hole that is youtube. or pinterest. or instagram.

realistically, this can happen whether you’re studying for the sat online or with a prep book. this procrastination is only half fun and it’s killing your study momentum. stop this madness!! i’ll help.

how to study online without getting distracted 

sat studying life hacks

let’s start with apps. i figure, if technology is the problem it might as well be the solution too.


price: free

here’s the deal: this app works for mac, and allows you to block certain sites on your computer for a set period of time. for example, imagine that i commit to studying for the sat online with magoosh for 2 hours. i can set selfcontrol to block facebook, youtube, tumblr, pinterest, instagram, email, etc. for two hours. after i click “start”, i can’t access those sites no matter what.

a word of warning: this app is harsh. once you’ve activated it for a certain period of time, you can’t deactivate it even by restarting your computer or deleting the application. (harsh, but brilliant.) for a less-severe alternative, try concentrate ($29). it has similar options, but you can unblock sites by restarting your computer.


price: free

here’s the deal: like selfcontrol, stayfocusd allows you to block distracting and addictive sites. the cool thing about it is that it’s a free chrome extension, and therefore can be used by both mac and pc users. just download google chrome! this extension allows you to pick how much time you’re willing to spend on distracting sites each day. you pick which sites are distracting you (it lets you get really specific), and once you’ve used up all your procrastination time, those sites become blocked for the rest of the day.

i-am-studying blocker

price: free

here’s the deal: this chrome extension is not nearly as strict as the two apps mentioned before. yes, you can block distracting sites, but i-am-studying allows you to “snooze” your study time and browse your blocked sites for 10 minutes every hour. the app collects data on your browsing habits and lets you know which sites you waste the most time on (*cough* … reddit … *cough*). if you’re not strong-willed, this is probably not the solution for you.

time-management strategies

let’s step away from apps for a minute and talk about a solution that actually improves your study and time-management skills.

the pomodoro technique

tools needed: one ordinary kitchen timer, a pen, paper.

here’s the deal: this technique is all about time-management. the idea is to thoughtfully choose a task that you need to complete and then to break the time it takes you to complete this task into 25-minute intervals, called “pomodori” (the plural of “pomodoro” which means tomato in italian). you set your kitchen timer for 25 minutes, and when the time is up, you take a short (3-5 minute) break. keep a piece of paper handy and write an “x” every time you complete a pomodoro. then, after four pomodori, take a longer break (15-30 minutes).

the cool thing about this method is that you can keep yourself organized by planning your study sessions, tracking and recording your progress, and prioritizing tasks using an estimation of how much effort (how many pomodori) they will take to complete. also, you get to take breaks which allow your brain to process and retain information! win-win.


life is distracting. one second you’re studying your heart out and the next you’re sidetracked by the music you’re listening to, tv, social media, a shiny object… and these distractions are ruining your sat practice.

be strong! find a system that works for you. maybe you combine the pomodoro technique with an anti-distraction app, or maybe you just use your awesome willpower to stay away from addictive sites on the internet. either way, commit to your technique and you’ll start to see your focus improve.

(for more unexpected study techniques, check out our sat lifehacks infographic!)

share your study life hacks

have you mastered time-management and learned to study online without getting off-track?

share your story and your tips by leaving us a comment below!



the post how to study online without getting distracted appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

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