author: nadira berman

ap calculus exam review: antidifferentiation
antidifferentiation is an essential tool for evaluating integrals. in fact, you might say that antidifferentiation is pretty much the same thing as finding an indefinite integral. when we antidifferentiate a function, we are simply finding another function whose derivative is equal to the one we started with. what is antidifferentiation? antidifferentiation is the reverse of…
ap calculus exam review: integrals
the ap calculus exams include many problems involving integrals. in this short review, you’ll see the major topics that you’ll need to be aware of.
5 ways to study while working full-time
this post was written by our friends at preply. are you about to become an employee but don’t yet have a degree? it’s a challenge — not to mention daunting if you haven’t even started college yet — but you can succeed. a georgetown university’s study found that over 25 percent of students combined full-time…