myka yamasaki, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life thu, 07 jan 2021 00:06:52 +0000 en-us hourly 1 // myka yamasaki, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // 32 32 overlooked dorm essentials // // thu, 25 aug 2016 17:06:31 +0000 // once you are into college, get ready for dorm living! living in a dorm is like nothing else. it is a place where you start to learn how to live by yourself but at the same time you will be surrounded by your peers 24/7. to help you survive and thrive in this new environment, here is a list of often overlooked dorm essentials.

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for all you new college freshmen, get ready for dorm living! living in a dorm is like nothing else. it is a place where you start to learn how to live by yourself but at the same time, you will be surrounded by your peers 24/7. to help you survive and thrive in this new environment, here is a list of often overlooked dorm essentials.

1) flip flops or slippers

overlooked dorm essentials - slippers

so you know you need shower shoes but you should also probably get a pair of shoes for lounging around. preferably fuzzy slippers for maximum comfort! since your dorm is where you get dressed, sleep, eat, study, and hang out, the floors get a lot of dirt on them. you probably don’t want to be walking around barefoot if you like to keep yourself really clean. in addition, many dorm floors are linoleum, which can get quite cold. i highly recommend some designated lounging around the dorm shoes.

2) vacuum and/or mop

especially if you and your roommates have long hair, anticipate a lot of hair on the floor. it’ll be nice to have a handy small handheld vacuum to make sure the hair doesn’t pile up. mops can also get the job done to. on top of catching hairs, mops can also clean up sticky spilled soda or dirt from shoes. these are really two cleaning supplies that you should consider investing in. try splitting the cost of these goods among your roommates. just make sure there are no cats around when you vacuum clean!

3) eating utensils

overlooked dorm essentials - eating utensils

you will bring back things into your room that you can only eat with utensils. think ice cream or to-go from the dining hall. chances are you won’t want to trek all the way back to your dining hall, so you will want utensils on hand in your dorm room. people will also love you for being prepared. they will most definitely come to you for utensils, so it can also help you make friends! big bonus there!

hope these dorm essentials come in handy once you begin your college career in the dorms!

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college acceptance rates and the right school for you // // thu, 05 may 2016 20:28:56 +0000 // decreasing college acceptance rates mean one thing: you should diversify your college search! learn how to get into the right school for you.

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if you’re starting your senior year this post is for you. there is something happening in the college admissions process that is unprecedented. acceptance rates at various colleges are plummeting. this isn’t to say there aren’t schools that have had freakishly low acceptance rates for the last ten years but there is an overall trend of fast declining acceptance rates across the country.

now, this isn’t about getting more anxious about the college admissions process but about being informed. whatever you do, don’t panic!


there is really only one thing that this unprecedented acceptance rate drop means for you. these dipping admit rates means that you need to widen your options. so what does widening your options looks like?

good news is that you can still apply to your dream schools and you can still apply to your target schools! what you do have to keep in mind however is to focus on finding safety schools that you are excited about. this isn’t supposed to be discouraging but rather be a stress reducer. if you find safety schools that you can really see yourself at, no matter what colleges you get into you know you will be happy in the end.

really the point of this post is to tell you that the acceptance rate of a college does not define you or any college. don’t just choose colleges because they are more selective than another. in the end, the goal of the admissions process is to find your home for the next 4 years of your life and you can’t let a single number determine that for you.

challenge yourself to research colleges and universities that may be slightly less selective than what you had in mind but are known for providing a quality education. honestly, applying to schools that are less selective has more than one benefit. for example, if you are slightly overqualified for any given school you are more likely to receive a merit scholarship from that college to subsidize your college bill (that is always a good thing!!!!). in these ways, broaden your options and you may run into opportunities that you never even imagined.

good luck!



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perks of a small college // // wed, 02 mar 2016 18:48:31 +0000 // have you considered going to a small liberal arts college as opposed to a large university? well if you haven’t, here are a few characteristics of liberal arts colleges that you should really consider!

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have you considered going to a small liberal arts college as opposed to a large university? well if you haven’t, here are a few characteristics of liberal arts colleges that you should really consider!


1) small class sizes

liberal arts colleges have class sizes that average 20 people and are usually no larger than 50. such small class environments really do get you individual attention from your professors. people that i know at big universities say that their professors don’t even know their name but at liberal arts colleges, your professor will immediately recognize you if you pass by them on campus. in that way, professors will know you well so that they can really help you improve as a student.


2) student-professor relationships

related to the first point, not only will you get more tailored teaching but you will also be able to build personal relationships with your professors. especially if you go to their office hours, they will already be familiar with your face so it will feel more comfortable to get to know them on a deeper level. forging good relationships with professors is extremely rewarding as they can serve as great mentors and motivators. professors with a truly personal investment in your success is a very strong form of support.


3) on-campus opportunities

with a smaller campus, the atmosphere is not as overwhelming. with the feel of a tight-knit community, it feels easier to go after campus opportunities because it isn’t as intimidating. since you aren’t just a number at a liberal arts college, your professors will constantly be encouraging you to pursue extracurricular activities or research fellowships. it is super difficult to fall through the cracks at a liberal arts college, so take full advantage of that fact. all in all, since faces start to become familiar, it seems easier to adjust to college life at a smaller school.


i hope these points helped you reconsider liberal arts colleges! they are absolutely awesome and so these points should enter your decision-making calculus when applying to college!


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if you didn’t get in early decision // // thu, 28 jan 2016 22:00:59 +0000 // for those who didn't get into their early decision school, it's going to be ok. here are a couple things you should hear.

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for those who didn’t get into their early decision school, it’s going to be ok. here are a couple things you should hear.


1) it sucks but don’t blame yourself

you worked really hard and you told the school you were their top choice by applying early decision, and yet they denied you admission. this feeling is really awful but don’t take it personally. given the nature of college admissions, colleges end up having to deny hundreds of highly qualified applicants. it’s not your fault that you didn’t get in. so go easy on yourself. not having an extra 150 points on the sat or not having another extracurricular are not what kept you from attending your top choice. don’t agonize over things you have no control over.


2) there are other schools

a lot of different factors may have contributed to a certain college being your top choice. from family legacy, location, prestige, available programs/majors, and cost, if you think about it long enough, it’s easy to put one college on a pedestal. however, that pedestal is false. it’s not fun getting rejected from a school you really liked but trust me when i say there are plenty of other schools out there that meet your criteria and could be a good fit for you. i know people who attended their early decision school and ended up hating it and transferring. so don’t feel like it’s the end if you don’t get into that ‘top choice’ school.


3) you have to be resilient

as difficult as it can be to deal with rejection, you have to be resilient. you only have a few weeks before regular decision applications are due. don’t give up on college applications just because you didn’t get into one school. be strong and put maximum effort into the rest of your essays and supplements. you really don’t want to let one hiccup derail the entire college application process. the hard work will pay off and you will end up somewhere great come march/april.


seriously, don’t let one rejection make you feel lesser about yourself. your dedication throughout high school will pay off in ways you cannot even imagine yet. so don’t be too down and good luck with the rest of the process. you are going to do great!


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3 ways to impress your professor // // mon, 25 jan 2016 09:00:56 +0000 // so you're starting college soon and you're thinking, how do i impress my professors? here are a few things college professors are looking for in a good student.

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so you’re starting college soon and you’re thinking, how do i impress my professors? here are a few things college professors are looking for in a good student.

gif of ferris bueller professor-magoosh

impress your teacher with your initiative

this is especially true in a seminar class where many class discussions take place. if you are quick on your feet and contribute as many thoughtful ideas as you can, your professor will really appreciate that. initiative can also mean it is clear to your professor that you come to class prepared having done the readings or homework.

show your professor your dedication

say you understand a concept taught in class fairly well. well enough to get a good grade on the exam or to do well on an essay. however, true dedication would be to go to your professor’s office hours to fully understand a concept and to learn more than is necessary for the test. this leads me to the next thing professors look for.

demonstrate intellectual curiosity in your college course

your professor wants to see that you are fully immersed in their class and the coursework. when you begin asking the right questions and learning more about the topic than is necessary, your professor will be pleased. show your professor that you are interested in learning for the sake of learning and your professor will begin to really open up to you.

in college, wooing your teachers is really not necessary to get a good grade in a class. however, if you meet a professor you would really like to build a relationship with, show them that you care about their class and learning. initiative, dedication, and intellectual curiosity can take you far.

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how to stay calm during college applications // // fri, 11 dec 2015 17:00:23 +0000 // so, it’s college application season. panicking? stressed? if you are either of these things, this post is for you. my first semester senior year i applied to about 12 different colleges, so i know what it is like. here is what i learned and what i think can help you stay calm.   1) stay […]

the post how to stay calm during college applications appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

so, it’s college application season. panicking? stressed? if you are either of these things, this post is for you. my first semester senior year i applied to about 12 different colleges, so i know what it is like. here is what i learned and what i think can help you stay calm.


1) stay on top of your work.

if you are a procrastinator, now is the time to curb your procrastinating ways. you want to make sure that work doesn’t pile up. otherwise, you will be swamped in homework and college applications. that is a sheer nightmare. stay ahead in school and you will never have to worry about having to do a huge paper and a college application in one night. you don’t want to end up like this cat…


2) start early.

start writing you personal statement and supplements as soon as you can. you want to finish them well in advance of the due date so that you have time to edit them with teachers and college counsellors. in addition, starting early prevents the pile up of work that i mentioned above. this way you won’t be stressed about finishing college applications on time but you will also know that they are great because you had the time to edit them thoroughly.


3) give yourself time to unwind.

i know it is hard when you are really busy but you need to allot some time to yourself where you do things for fun. whether it be reading a book, watching an episode of your favorite tv show, or eating out with friends, you have to do it sometimes. doing activities that make you unwind will help you stay calm throughout college applications. having something to look forward to can also help motivate you to complete work and applications.


4) pat yourself on the back.

senior year is the last year of high school and the bridge into adulthood. you need to enjoy it because you will never be in high school ever again. remember that you are good enough to do anything you set your mind to. college applications are scary and we all have expectations for ourselves but just trust me when i say that everything happens for a reason. even when things get tough senior year, know that you will prevail.


good luck! keep fighting because you can do this.


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tips for the day of the sat // // thu, 03 dec 2015 17:00:21 +0000 // thinking about sitting in a classroom for three and a half hours sounds awful and taking an important exam is stressful. however, the day of the sat doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds. in this post, i will share some tips and reduce your worries to make the test environment better for you.

the post tips for the day of the sat appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

waking up on a beautiful saturday morning should feel like this…


but when you have the sat on a saturday, it feels like this…


thinking about sitting in a classroom for three and a half hours sounds awful and taking an important exam is stressful. however, the day of the sat doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds. in this post, i will share some tips and reduce your worries to make the test environment better for you.


tip #1: dress how you want

are you someone who wants to take the sat in your pajamas? great! are you someone who wants to feel really put together? that’s great too! i am personally someone who is in a better mindset to take a test when i feel dressed for success but to each their own. many people feel more prepared when they are wearing their most comfy clothes. decide what you want to wear when you conquer the exam.


tip #2: show up to the test taking site early

this is a tip that is especially important if you are not familiar with the location the test is being proctored at. you want to show up with plenty of time so that you don’t stress out about not being able to find your specific exam room. the first sat i took was at a high school i had never been to before. i panicked about being lost and it took me more time than i expected to figure out that my exam room was in a portable.


tip #3: bring a healthy snack and water

something about the sat people don’t talk about is that you get breaks. you even get a break long enough to eat some snacks! so bring a healthy snack you like that will give you brain power and stay hydrated. having a snack is something to look forward to while you are working through a math section you were dreading. in addition, snacks half way through can help you keep up your concentration and maintain your a game.



tip #4: bring extra batteries and plenty of pencils

you probably won’t need the extra batteries and you definitely don’t need 20 pencils but bring them anyway! if you are really serious about doing well on the sat, the last thing you need to be worrying about in the back of your mind is your calculator dying or running out of pencils. this is not an exam where you can just turn to the person behind you and ask to borrow some supplies. that puts you at risk of your scores being cancelled so don’t do it! be prepared for yourself and you will feel less anxiety going in.


i hope some of these tips were helpful! good luck on the sat!


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what are liberal arts colleges? // // fri, 27 nov 2015 17:00:03 +0000 // well what if i told you that there is a whole breed of colleges that are neither a part of the ivy league nor are a giant state school whose sports teams feed into the nfl, mlb, etc.? this mysterious breed of colleges is referred to as liberal arts colleges!

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when you think of college you might think of something like this…


photo by

or this…


ok. well what if i told you that there is a whole breed of colleges that are neither a part of the ivy league nor are a giant state school whose sports teams feed into the nfl, mlb, etc.? this mysterious breed of colleges is referred to as liberal arts colleges!

now the first thing you may think is “but i am not an artist…” however, you should know that liberal arts are not about painting or dancing. a liberal arts education is about a wholesome education that encourages students to study a wide range of subjects. generally, at a liberal arts institution, students are expected to take courses in math, biological and social sciences, as well as the humanities. this is the model despite the fact that some subjects of study do not seem related to your major. in this way, a liberal arts education puts a true emphasis on learning for the sake of learning.

you should really consider researching liberal arts colleges when creating a college list. i would highly recommend it especially if you are undecided in what you would like to study, which i am sure many of you are. not only is a liberal arts college great for exploring your passions but they are also known for providing great senses of community. liberal arts colleges tend to be small so you have the opportunity to create relationships with your professors and have strong bonds with your peers.

in addition, despite the fact that liberal arts colleges are under the radar, some of them are just as competitive to get into as ivy league universities (amherst college: 14% acceptance rate, claremont mckenna college: 11% acceptance rate). this is just proof in the pudding that you are not compromising rigor of education by attending a liberal arts institution.

so broaden your horizons and look into liberal arts institutions! you will discover that there are varying acceptance rates that are high and low so don’t be discouraged. you will find the right liberal arts college for you!


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what not to think about during the sat // // thu, 29 oct 2015 16:00:04 +0000 // the sat is a long and grueling exam. as the three hours and forty-five minutes pass by, a lot of thoughts come across your mind. here is a list of thoughts that you should avoid.

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the sat is a long and grueling exam. as the three hours and forty-five minutes pass by, a lot of thoughts come across your mind. here is a list of thoughts that you should avoid.

1) “i want to give up. i am so tired.”

as they say, never ever give up. i get it, the test feels unending and you need a lot of focus to get through it. the sat is exhausting for most people. however, do not give up on the exam because you can do it. it’s a test of stamina but if you try your best to maintain focus, you will receive the score that you rightfully deserve. getting ample sleep (7-9 hours) the night before the test will dramatically improve your concentration during the sat. you don’t want to be that person passed out and drooling on the answer bubble sheet.

2) “what if this is the experimental section?’

most people know that there is always a section on the sat that isn’t actually graded. it is a normal looking section but can cover math, critical reading, or writing. it is a way for the makers of the sat to test out new material for future tests. don’t let this thought cross your mind! you want to pretend as if every section counts towards your sat score. don’t assume that a certain section is experimental and is therefore a green light to slack off for 30 minutes. you want to put your best foot forward no matter what. having a determined attitude can only help you perform better on all the sections.

3) “i am not doing well so far.”

defeatist attitudes never did any good for anyone. just because you were not able to answer some math questions does not mean you are doing poorly on the sat. there are plenty of points to be gained from the many other sections of the exam. never assume that a few hiccups will keep you from getting a satisfactory score. keep fighting through the test. the confidence will only serve you well by helping you think more clearly.


4) “this test determines my future.”

the significance of the sat may be a motivator for some but don’t take it to the extreme. telling yourself that you must get x sat score or bust is the wrong mentality. if you work to the best of your ability, you will receive the score that you deserve. no matter what score that ends up being, you will end up at the college you are supposed to be at. don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself while taking the exam because the reality is that the sat doesn’t determine the rest of your life. once you are in a college that is right for you, you won’t even remember what you got on the sat. so relax!


i hope some of these points resonated with you and good luck! i am positive none of you will end up like the kid in this meme!



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book recommendation for sat vocab // // wed, 23 sep 2015 16:00:14 +0000 // studying vocab isn’t really fun. studying for sat vocab is especially boring. trust me, i hardly found any dry vocab book enticing. however, if you want to score well on the sat reading sections you will want to challenge yourself to learn some fancier vocabulary. given this reality, i have found the perfect set of books. drum roll please… vocabulary cartoons word power i and ii!!!!

the post book recommendation for sat vocab appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

studying vocab isn’t really fun. studying for sat vocab is especially boring. trust me, i hardly found any dry vocab book enticing. however, if you want to score well on the sat reading sections you will want to challenge yourself to learn some fancier vocabulary. given this reality, i have found the perfect set of books. drum roll please… vocabulary cartoons word power i and ii!!!!


here are the books linked below:

these are the two books that i completed to study for sat vocab, and i stand by them. words i learned from these books really did show up in the sat reading sections when i actually took the full exam. i think what makes these books special is that they are as entertaining as vocab books can get.

every word that is introduced in the book is presented with the definition, a “link,” and an example sentence that includes the word and the link. for example, pretend that the new word is “abhor.” abhor means to hate very much or to detest utterly. the book than provides a link that is supposed to help you remember the definition of the given word. so the link provided by the book for abhor is “chores.” the sentence from the book is “the boy abhorred doing chores.” this way you can easily remember a word that isn’t commonly used by associating it with a word that is well used.

the book follows this pattern for every word introduced and every 10 words there is a short quiz to see how much you remember. eventually you will finish the first book and will be ready for the second one. once you are all done, you will have a fully loaded vocab arsenal ready for the sat.

i really like this book because not only does it make learning new vocab as fun as it possibly can be but it is also very effective. once you get the hang of what the book is trying to accomplish, you will find yourself remembering the definitions of all the words. in addition, if you feel like the book’s cartoons and quizzes alone aren’t enough, you can easily make flash cards with the words to practice more.

happy studying!!



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