author: molly kiefer

molly kiefer
  • how to handle college rejections

    about a week ago, i was rejected by stanford. here’s the thing: i would’ve been genuinely confused if the decision had been anything else. the rejection still hurt, though. rejection almost always hurts. there were definitely a few tears. as well as…an embarrassing amount on stanford-related youtube channels to unsubscribe from. i admit i ate…

  • 6 ways to be more productive, according to science

    i think everyone reading this blog can agree on the following statement: we could all be a little more productive in our lives. whether that pertains to studying, cleaning, working out, writing essays, you name it — there’s always room for improvement. below, you’ll find 6 tips for increasing your productivity, all backed by science. that means…

  • how to make the most of winter break

    it’s finally winter break (well, for some of us it’s still winter break … for everyone else – i hope you had a good one)! this means fun times with family and friends, along with plenty of good food and relaxation. although these few weeks are meant to be a break, you can still get…