author: maddi lee
all about act fee waivers
it is no secret that paying for act can be pricey. many students have trouble finding the funds to pay for everything. good news! if you qualify, you could save money by waiving the fee of your test. just like the sat isn’t the only standardized test a student can take to apply for college,…
the best ways to academically prepare for college in high school
college courses are definitely harder than high school classes, but if you have the right study strategies, you can succeed. get in the college academic mindset while still in high school, and the transition will be a lot easier.
a freshman’s guide to balancing college extracurriculars
no matter which college you attend, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in tons of extracurricular activities. it’s hard to choose between all of them! but it’s very important to make sure you don’t overcommit. try to compromise and strike a balance. decide what you want to do beforehand find a list of all…