author: lucas fink

lucas fink
  • has the format of the act science test changed?

    our students have been reporting that, on both the february and april 2015 tests, the act science format was not at all what they expected. to be clear, the act science format has always been standard in that it contains three types of passages: data representation, research summaries, and conflicting viewpoints. however, recently test-takers have…

  • five things you have to do once you’ve made your college decision

    finally! you’ve made your decision about which college you’ll be attending in the fall. it’s so exciting! you are relieved and overjoyed. what should your next steps be?   celebrate you deserve to #treatyoself. go out to dinner with your friends and/or family. have some sweet treats and junk food. watch movies. you worked hard…

  • top tips for act vocab

    hidey-ho, magooshers! today i’m going to give you my top three tips for vocabulary success on the act, and what they mean for you in preparing for test day.   top tip #1: the act and sat test vocabulary in different ways. traditionally, an “sat word” has been a vocabulary word that is both uncommon…