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author: kevin rocci

kevin rocci
  • when your grades take a nosedive

    here’s a good read from our friends over at let us know what you think in the comments. 🙂 your high school path suddenly takes a detour. your grades, which had been steady and consistent, take a nosedive. perhaps it’s due to illness, personal or family issues, or a learning disability that eventually made…

  • 5 ways to save money on textbooks

    here’s a great guest post from our new friends over at noodle! enjoy! if you’ve ever placed an order for your semester textbooks in the university bookstore and subsequently had a heart attack from the price, we’ve all been there. however with tuition prices on the rise, it’s easy to save money on the small…

  • application checklist: 10 things you might still need to do!

    here’s some great advice from rachel montpelier at nextstepu! we are in the middle of october and you should aim to get your college applications done and sent out around thanksgiving. here is a list of what you might need to know about, and still need to include in your application: 1. knowledge of common…