author: kevin rocci

are college visits worthwhile?
it’s popular, especially junior year of high school, to go and visit colleges that you may apply to your senior year. while touring campus’s seem like a fun way to learn about a school, is it really worth the time? here are some pros and cons to consider!
junior year checklist
junior year is stressful and confusing for everyone. there’s so much to do! if you’re unfamiliar with all of the steps of the college process, i’m here to help.
how to study for finals or semester exams over winter break
if your school’s final exams (or semester exams) are after your winter holiday, it can be easy to fall into one of two extreme camps: either you spend the whole break studying (or at the very least, worrying about studying) or you don’t do anything at all because, hey, you’re on break! avoid these traps…