author: jason patel

jason patel
  • the obsession with dream schools

    when it comes to our college lists, many of us have one school we love far more than the rest. and sometimes, we feel like the world will crumble around us if we don’t get in. but it’s time for a reality check. we need to stop the obsession with dream schools!   stop romanticizing…

  • how to pick your safety schools

    safety schools can be difficult to pick because it’s often hard to find ones that we like. schools with great academics are usually highly selective, while educational standards at safeties can be subpar. nonetheless, we all need to add a decent number of safeties to our lists just in case other colleges don’t work out.…

  • sat vocab monday: words for springtime!

    it’s springtime! whether that means you want to exercise your green thumb (your penchant for gardening) or that the hills around you turn a luxuriant green, sending pollens and spores wafting in the hair towards your hapless sinuses, springtime has a distinct meaning for you.   proliferate to grow and multiply rapidly is to proliferate.…