author: jamie goodwin

jamie goodwin
  • sat math – looking for patterns

    some questions seem almost impossible at first sight. you probably groan, thinking that solving the problem will take forever. you may also think that you’d be able to answer the question if you only knew the formula. this last thought is misguided: the sat is testing the way you think, not whether you can memorize…

  • sat book review – the college board book (1st edition)

    everybody has heard of the bible. for christians it is the one book that matter most; indeed, it is the only book that really matters. this powerful connection is used more broadly to refer to any book that is the one book you’ve got to own for whatever field it is you are studying. as…

  • sat math basics – foil method

    the sat loves testing questions that rely on the foil method. a subset of algebra, foil relates to polynomials, and, unlike many other algebra sections, you cannot rely on plugging in (a method i otherwise encourage you to use often). before i tell you exactly how to use foil, it is important that i tell…