author: jamie goodwin

jamie goodwin
  • sat math friday: extreme triangles

    every now and then, the sat uses a property of triangles that throws most for a loop. i like to call these triangles “extreme triangles”. so let’s imagine an isosceles right triangle. remove the hypotenuse and you’ll get two line segments that meet at a right angle. now, take the vertical segment and pull it…

  • how positive thinking benefits test-takers

    it´s hard not to imagine worst-case scenarios as test day looms ever closer, but did you know this could actually harm your test score? being pessimistic is not only worse for your health in the long run, but it also results in less productivity and more stress. there is a key difference between pessimism and…

  • sat test day walk through

    so, you’ve spent tons of time studying for the sat, registered for the test, but then it hits you—what do you actually do the 24 hours before the test? stay up all night cramming last minute? chug three cups of coffee? get there 5 minutes before the test is supposed to start? welcome to your…