author: elise gout

elise gout
  • top college research engines

    college research engines are the best-kept secret of the 21st century college applicant. virtually no one i know used one, yet they are incredible tools that can help guide you through the massive labyrinth that is university research. the only problem is—which one? this post was created to help you figure out just that. keep…

  • five ted talks you should watch before taking the sat

    ted talks are amazing presentations by experts in various fields. they’re also great ways to waste time and not feel like a complete vegetable. but did you know they can also help you on the sat? these five ted talks are great ways to learn some last-minute skills and hone a healthy pre-test-day mentality…check them…

  • study tip tweets for various learning types

    studying for the sat is hard enough; for students with learning disabilities, test prep introduces a whole host of other challenges. we set out to find some of the best tweets that provide information and study ideas for students, parents, and tutors. additude mag offers helpful tips for those struggling with adhd, and this exhaustive…