author: debbie schwartz

themes across apush: immigration
the focus of this blog post will be for you to practice the skill of identifying changes and continuities throughout apush with one theme in mind: immigration.
common limits on the ap calc exam
as you prepare for the ap calculus exam, it’s important to know what you’re getting into. hopefully you’ve already taken a look at the list of topics, but this article is about one topic in particular: limits. read on to familiarize yourself with the common limits that you’ll encounter on the test!
ap calculus review: estimating derivatives from graphs
so you may have memorized all of the derivative rules. you might be able to derive f '(x) from f(x) no matter how complicated the function is. but how are you at estimating derivatives directly from the graph? as we’ll see in this review article, it’s all about slope! the derivative measures slope let’s begin with…