author: debbie schwartz

rice university admissions: the sat, act scores, and gpa you need to get in
in 1917, when students from texas a&m kidnapped the rice university owl mascot, the rice student body pooled their resources and hired a private detective to find the missing mascot–who was safely returned home to its owl family. if this sounds like a family you’re interested in joining, look no further! in this post, we’ll…
dartmouth admissions: the sat, act scores, and gpa you need to get in
dreaming of dartmouth? check out our guide on how to get into dartmouth college, with all the latest dartmouth admissions data, personalized study tips, and more!
university of michigan admissions: the sat, act scores and gpa you need to get in
today, we’ll look at how to get into university of michigan. we’ll take an especially close look at university of michigan sat scores, university of michigan act scores, and university of michigan admissions criteria. university of michigan: an introduction the university of michigan is ranked number 24 among national universities in the usa. this puts…