author: debbie schwartz

debbie schwartz
  • don’t wait to get off of a college waitlist: 10 proactive tips

    it’s that time of year: millions of high school seniors all over the globe have had their fates decided by the all-powerful college admissions committees. if fate has assigned you to a waitlist at your dream school, don’t sink to the ground in dramatic despair! instead, read this list of 10 actions you can take…

  • how to study for both the sat and your ap tests

    everybody knows it, and everybody says it: junior year can be hellish. clearly, the pressure’s on. if you’re taking on a rigorous course load, then you may be in a pretty tight spot right now, studying for both the sat and your ap tests. and even if you’re not in any ap classes, this post…

  • may 3rd approaches! 5 tips to survive the sat

    it’s down to the wire, ladies and gentlemen. if you’re signed up for the sat this saturday (may 3rd), you should have started studying…exactly 30 days ago. but, i was in high school once. i know how it is: you add sat prep to your calendar, you stroll down to the public library down to…