author: debbie schwartz

debbie schwartz
  • creating a productive group study session

    we’ve all been there. you plan a group study session with your friends, and three hours later…you have done nothing. well, except for exchanging some good gossip and googling pictures of cats, maybe. group study sessions can be awesome study tools, but they can easily become just another hang-out with your friends. and though hanging…

  • probability challenge question: don’t lose your marbles

    probability strikes dread into almost everybody. couple that with the fact that many probability questions are convoluted word problems so that even the most confident math-o-phile is quaking in her boots. but before we get to the dread-inducing question a quick rundown. the magical, make-your-life-a heck-of-a-lot-easier probability equation: # of possibilities you are hoping to…

  • want a well-rounded college application? join the club.

    all college applicants have heard that their applications absolutely have to be “well-rounded”. but what does that even mean? luckily, our friends at are here to show us how “well-rounded” isn’t the same for everyone, and how to make it work for you. sometimes when you are researching colleges, it seems like you need…