author: debbie schwartz

sage magoosh wisdom: 10 things you need to know about dorm life
an inevitable change that comes with the victorious freedom of moving out, and the intense education-level up that is college, dorm life is a minefield of unknown challenges. to help prepare you for this next great task, the massively wise magoosh team of magical sages got together to come up with a list of ten…
where is my college app going?
where is your college application going? a lot of the stress that comes with the college application process is the unfamiliarity of all. believe it or not, there isn’t a college admission god who judges your application and crushes all your dreams. neither is it as simple as one person stamping “accept” or “reject” over…
expert advice: 6 tips to guide your college search
how do you narrow down the 5000+ colleges out there into a manageable list of schools that’s right for you? check out these tips from experts at nerdscholars! getting into college remains one of the most competitive obstacles young people are faced with. admission rates for america’s most prestigious schools remain extremely low in…