author: debbie schwartz

how to make the most of winter break
it’s finally winter break (well, for some of us it’s still winter break … for everyone else – i hope you had a good one)! this means fun times with family and friends, along with plenty of good food and relaxation. although these few weeks are meant to be a break, you can still get…
how to decide if a college is right for you
so it’s time to start picking out colleges. this is exciting and scary at the same time! you will soon enter a whole new period of your life, when you will likely be living in a different place with people you’ve never met. of course, you’ve heard of a number of prestigious schools that you…
should i mention my religion in my college essay?
here’s another key tip to keep in mind for your college applications, from college essay guy ethan sawyer! the short answer is this: it’s okay to discuss religion in your essay as long as the take-away (or values) promoted in the essay are universal. here’s what i mean: in the past, i’ve had students write…