author: debbie schwartz

top 10 study tips
scared of what you’ll face when you get to college? don’t worry! check out this list of 10 tips to help you ace the exams that await you in the future. 🙂 want to start out college on the right track or just need a productivity boost? here are a few tips to help you…
the four types of second semester seniors
everyone handles second semester a little bit differently. but over the past few months, i’ve observed four main types of behavior within my senior class. whether you’re a junior and you want to know what to expect or a senior who can relate to all of the antics that go on at this time of…
what not to wear: college interview edition
two weeks ago, you pressed ‘submit’. and for a split second it was like everything inside of you turned into a gooey mush. partially from the terror. partially from the relief. another college application down. another check off of the list. another school name you can completely shove into that dark place in your mind…