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author: debbie schwartz

debbie schwartz
  • 7 tricks to study more effectively [slideshare]

    we’ve all been there … you’re trying to study — focusing hard on the task at hand — but it seems like the entire world is bent on distracting you. your phone won’t stop buzzing, that little (1) keeps popping up on your facebook tab, everything going on outside the window is just so much…

  • college search: tips to find the best school for you

    not sure where to begin your college search? feeling completely lost and confused? well guess what? in my humble opinion, i think that means you are actually one step ahead of the game. despite all the talk out there about a “college search,” the vast majority of college applicants never truly search for a school…

  • how to be a great high school leader

    in high school, there are lots of opportunities to play leadership roles, from sports captains to club presidents to student council positions. during my senior year, i got to be the editor-in-chief of our school newspaper. while things didn’t always go smoothly, i learned a lot.