author: debbie schwartz

private university myths debunked!
private universities are often overlooked when applying to colleges because of the many myths that surround them. if you were like, you may think applying to a private university is hopeless because of cost, size, or maybe even the type of people you think go there. let’s look at these myths a bit closer…
four things i wish i knew about ap courses freshman year
it’s not harder than a prep course when i took my first ap class , i went in with the idea that it would require more knowledge than a regular prep course. as the year progressed, i learned that in comparison to other prep courses i was taking, my ap class wasn’t much harder. the…
accepted: the 4 college admissions types and what they mean
applying to college is a brand new experience for most students out there. it’s a journey that starts long before you ever step foot in a college class and ends with a new beginning. but, as has been well documented, the process is difficult. many high school students don’t have a good grasp on the…