author: dana sinclair

dana sinclair
  • finding free money

    fact: money does not come from trees. but it can – and frequently does – come from scholarships. and while the last thing you probably want to do, after writing a dozen soul-sucking college essays, is write a dozen more soul-sucking scholarship essays – this is far from the time to give in. there is…

  • how to survive group projects

    as if normal school projects weren’t stressful enough, group projects bring another whole set of conflicts and challenges. it’s hard to work with random classmates who probably have a variety of different work ethics – some contributing more than others… but follow the tips below and the somewhat painful process should get a little easier!…

  • act book review: act prep black book

    if i were a student, the cover of mike barrett’s act prep black book alone would sell it to me. it’s stylish, alluring and its subtitle pronounces it to include “the most effective act strategies ever published.” whaaat?!?! i’m in. when you open its cover though, the style factor falls off quite a bit. you…