christopher wirick, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life tue, 23 oct 2018 03:28:24 +0000 en-us hourly 1 // christopher wirick, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // 32 32 interval notation // // tue, 23 oct 2018 03:20:26 +0000 // what is interval notation? this post will cover interval notations for open, closed, and half-open intervals so you're familiar with them for ap test day.

the post interval notation appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

in mathematics we mostly want to be as efficient and precise as possible when describing certain principles, and one such example is interval notation. an interval of real numbers between a and b with a < b is a set containing all the real numbers from a specified starting point a to a specified ending point b.

interval notation - magoosh

interval notation: the types of intervals

there are a few different types of intervals that commonly arise when studying math, called the open interval and the closed interval, notated respectively as (a, b) and [a, b].

interval notation for open intervals

the open interval uses parentheses, and they signify the fact that the interval contains all the real numbers x that are strictly between the numbers a and b, i.e. the interval does not actually contain the numbers a and b. another way of notating an open interval is the set of all x such that a < x < b.

interval notation for closed intervals

in the case of the closed interval, the square brackets are used to indicate that the endpoints are contained in the interval. therefore we can notate a closed interval as the set of x so that a <= x <= b.

interval notation for half-open intervals

there are slightly fancier intervals, called half-open intervals, notated as (a, b] and [a, b), which are the respective sets of all x so that half-open interval 1 - interval notation - magoosh, and half-open interval 2 - interval notation - magoosh.

an interval is called bounded when there is a real positive number m with the property that for any point x inside of the interval, we have that |x| < m.

observations on intervals

supposing as in the setup that a < b, then how many numbers are actually in the interval (a, b)? it turns out that there are uncountably infinite numbers in any interval (a, b) where a < b, no matter how close a and b are together.

it is a fact that actually, there are the same quantity of real numbers in the interval (0, 1) as there are in the entire real numbers, also represented by the interval interval example - interval notation - magoosh. this seems counterintuitive, because one interval seems so much more vast than the other, but it is not a contradiction, but rather a beautiful subtly of set theory.

calculus and intervals

intervals arise regularly in calculus, and it will be important for you to know the difference between a closed interval and an open interval, since there are some theorems, like the intermediate value theorem, which requires that the interval upon which the function is defined is a closed and bounded interval.

closed and bounded intervals touch on one of the most important concepts in the broader study of calculus, that of compactness. many central theories in calculus revolve around compact sets, which in the setting of the real numbers are exactly the closed bounded intervals.

the post interval notation appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 interval notation a <= x <= b. half-open interval 1 - interval notation - magoosh half-open interval 2 - interval notation - magoosh interval example - interval notation - magoosh
computing the definite integral of a polynomial // // thu, 08 dec 2016 19:45:36 +0000 // we want to focus on the definite integral of a polynomial function. these arise very commonly in calculus, so here are detailed solutions to two problems, one multiple-choice and one free-response, involving a definite integral of polynomial.   free-response definite integrals: you will not commonly be asked to evaluate common definite integrals on the free-response, […]

the post computing the definite integral of a polynomial appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

we want to focus on the definite integral of a polynomial function. these arise very commonly in calculus, so here are detailed solutions to two problems, one multiple-choice and one free-response, involving a definite integral of polynomial.


free-response definite integrals:

you will not commonly be asked to evaluate common definite integrals on the free-response, but rather you will be asked to find an area or compute a volume, which will require computing a common definite integral. suppose we want to compute the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the function r(x) = -{1/6}(x - 6)(x+6) about the x-axis:


the cross sections when cutting perpendicular to the x-axis are circles with radius given by the function r(x) = -{1/6}(x - 6)(x+6). the definite integral that needs to be evaluated is int{-6}{6}{pi.r(x)^2 dx},  since this is the area of a circle multiplied by the length of the interval from -6 to 6. we compute:


therefore to compute the integral we compute the sum of the integrals of the individual terms, since polynomials are sums of continuous functions:


recall the fundamental theorem of calculus (ftc):

theorem: if v(x) is a continuous function with an antiderivative v(x), then v(b) - v(a) =int{a}{b}{v(x) dx}  where ,  are in the domain of v(x). 

the ftc says that we can pick any old antiderivative v(x) for v(x), so we need to compute a string of antiderivatives for the integrands of the terms in the sum. in the previous post we discussed but did not state:

the power rule: the derivative (x^n)‘=nx^n

we used this to find that the integral int{ }{ }{x^n dx} = {1/{n+1}}x^{n+1} + c, and since we only need one antiderivative to evaluate definite integrals, we can take  for use in this case.

therefore we can evaluate (using the fact that int{ }{ }{x^4 dx} = {{x^5}/5}int{ }{ }{x^2 dx} = {{x^3}/3}int{ }{ }{x^0 dx} = int{ }{ }{1 dx} = {{x^1}/1} = x  and the ftc):


you can use your calculator to get 723.823 units cubed.


multiple-choice definite integrals:

here is a sample of a typical multiple-choice question asking for you to formulate a definite integral based on the same concept discussed above.

question: a solid is generated by revolving the region enclosed by the function y = 2 sqrt{x}, and the lines x=2, x=3, y=1 about the x-axis. which of the following definite integrals gives the volume of the solid? (hint: draw a picture)


the idea for this problem is to recognize that this solid is a difference of integrals. suppose that we had the volume of the function y=2 sqrt{x} when bounded by the lines  x = 2, x = 3, and rotated about the x-axis—then we would have the volume of the following solid:


given this volume, we would only need to subtract the volume of the following figure, derived by rotating y=1 bounded by x=2, x=3, about the x-axis:


from the upper volume, with radius r_1 = 2sqrt{x}:


therefore we need to subtract the two integrals, however using the integral laws we can express this in the form pi.({r_1}^2 - {r_2}^2) dx, which we follow up by substitution of our names for r_1,r_2:


so the answer is a.
to compute the value of the integral we see that

this has the value 28.2743 units^2.


the post computing the definite integral of a polynomial appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 r(x) = -{1/6}(x - 6)(x+6) ctdioap_img1 r(x) = -{1/6}(x - 6)(x+6) int{-6}{6}{pi.r(x)^2 dx} ctdioap_img2 ctdioap_img3 v(b) - v(a) =int{a}{b}{v(x) dx} (x^n) nx^n int{ }{ }{x^n dx} = {1/{n+1}}x^{n+1} + c int{ }{ }{x^4 dx} = {{x^5}/5} int{ }{ }{x^2 dx} = {{x^3}/3} int{ }{ }{x^0 dx} = int{ }{ }{1 dx} = {{x^1}/1} = x  ctdioap_img4 y = 2 sqrt{x} ctdioap_img5 y=2 sqrt{x} ctdioap_img6 ctdioap_img7 r_1 = 2sqrt{x} ctdioap_img8 pi.({r_1}^2 - {r_2}^2) dx r_1 r_2 ctdioap_img9 ctdioap_img10 28.2743 units^2
ap calculus: ab free response // // fri, 02 dec 2016 00:07:59 +0000 // the free response portion of an ap exam (also officially known as section ii) is very important, and the ap calculus ab free response is no different. in fact, the ab free response section is weighed equally with your multiple choice results. it also turns out that the structure of the ab and bc exams […]

the post ap calculus: ab free response appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

the free response portion of an ap exam (also officially known as section ii) is very important, and the ap calculus ab free response is no different. in fact, the ab free response section is weighed equally with your multiple choice results.

it also turns out that the structure of the ab and bc exams are the same, the only difference is question type.

ab free response


ab free response: half of your ap score.

yes my friends, you heard it right, the 90-minute ap calculus ab free response is worth 50% of the test, according to the college board. there are six total questions broken into two parts: part a and part b.  you may use either a pencil or pen with black or dark blue ink.

the questions on the free response are weighted equally, therefore each question is 16.66% of your total score on the ab free response, and 8.33% of your total score on the exam. however, most questions have multiple parts, and they might be weighted differently, you don’t know. to get a feel for the length of questions you might want to try some practice problems.


do i need a graphing calculator for the ap calculus ab free response?

part a is 30 minutes long and consists of two questions. you need a graphing calculator for this part of the exam. part b is 60 minutes long and you may not use a graphing calculator; however, you can work on the problems from both part a and part b.

you might need to use your calculator to graph a function that you could never plot by hand, or integrate difficult integrands, so do your best to make sure that you have it when you take the test, and it has fully charged batteries.

in fact you can bring up to two calculators to the ap exam, but no more than that.


ab free response time management

the calculator on part a combined with no calculator on part b but the ability to go back and also work on part a problems is a curveball. it would probably be wise to try and complete the new questions in part b before returning to the questions in part a, since you are now not allowed to use the graphing calculator that the questions require.

make sure to read all the questions in the part you are working on before actually starting to solve anything, since you can do the easiest questions first (remember that each question has equal weight, so you should do the easy ones first.)


showing work for the ab free response.

distinct from the multiple choice questions on in section i of the ap exam, you need to show all of your work! you need to label all objects in a graph, such as the function you are plotting, specific points (such as inflection points or maximums and minimums,) axes, tables of values, etc.

the ap course description says that “[a]nswers without supporting work will usually not receive credit.” in addition, when you justify a solution, it means that you state “mathematical (noncalculator) reasons” for why a particular solution is correct.

you also have to use the standard mathematical notation, and not any type of programming, computational, or calculator syntax. the silver lining, however, is that you do not need to simplify your answers, and if you supply a decimal answer, it needs to be correct to 3 places after the decimal point


summary of the ap calculus ab free response.

the ap calculus ab free response can be a bit intimidating since you need to do something more than just correctly bubble in the correct answer, but if you know the structure of the ab free response and the requirements, you are one step closer to successfully navigating this portion of the exam.


the post ap calculus: ab free response appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 shutterstock_525208597
ap calculus: the difference between a graph and a function? // // sun, 23 oct 2016 18:25:20 +0000 // did you know that a graph of a function f is not the same as the function itself? it might seem like there is clearly a difference, but sometimes it’s hard to articulate into words. we have spoken about the definition of a function. simply put, it’s a rule that transforms one real number into […]

the post ap calculus: the difference between a graph and a function? appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

did you know that a graph of a function f is not the same as the function itself?

it might seem like there is clearly a difference, but sometimes it’s hard to articulate into words.

we have spoken about the definition of a function. simply put, it’s a rule that transforms one real number into another real number. a graph is a geometric representation of that rule.

a graph is a set.

if this is true, then according to the definition of a set, a graph is an unordered collection of objects. for this lesson, you need to know a little more about sets: the cartesian product of two sets a and b is again a set, denoted  a x b and read “a cross b.” it is the set of all elements of the form (a, b) with wtdbagaaf_img1

the cartesian product is named after the famous french philosopher rené descartes:


the points in a graph

the objects in the graph of a function are points wtdbagaaf_img3 ordered pairs of real numbers in the cartesian product of the set of real numbers with itself.  we call these points cartesian coordinates.

we represent these points geometrically in what is known as the cartesian plane, or simply the plane:

difference between a graph and a function

the center of the plane, the point (0, 0) is called the origin, the horizontal axis is called the x-axis while the vertical axis is known as the y-axis. the two axes naturally divide the plane into quadrants. if a point (x, y) has both x, y positive, we say that (x, y) lies in the first quadrant; if (x, y) has x negative and y positive, then (x, y) lies in the second quadrant, etc.

the graph of a function

given a function f whose domain is the set of real numbers and whose codomain is the set of real numbers, we say that the graph is the set of all points in the set ap calculus of the form (x, f(x)) where x is a point in the domain of f.

therefore the graph is a set that is unique for a given function, which geometrically represents the function. we can often use the graph of a function in order to deduce properties of said function.


the graph of a function and a function are closely related but not the same. therefore when you are explaining a solution to a problem, make sure that you use “the function” and “the graph of the function” in the right places, depending on which you really mean.


the post ap calculus: the difference between a graph and a function? appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 wtdbagaaf_img1 wtdbagaaf_img2 wtdbagaaf_img3 difference between a graph and a function ap calculus
ap calculus: computing the antiderivatives of functions and polynomials // // sat, 01 oct 2016 00:29:11 +0000 // warm-up: keeping with the theme of volume of solids of revolution, try this multiple choice question, which should need only understanding of the geometric meaning of the definite integral as a measurement of volume. question: a solid is generated by revolving the region enclosed by the function , and the lines x =2, x =3, y […]

the post ap calculus: computing the antiderivatives of functions and polynomials appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

warm-up: keeping with the theme of volume of solids of revolution, try this multiple choice question, which should need only understanding of the geometric meaning of the definite integral as a measurement of volume.

question: a solid is generated by revolving the region enclosed by the function y =2sqrt{x}, and the lines x =2, x =3, y =1 about the x-axis. which of the following definite integrals gives the volume of the solid? (hint: draw a picture)


calculating the antiderivatives of an integrand

when we look at an integral int{a}{b}{f(x) dx}we call the values a, b the bounds of integration, while we call the function f(x) the integrand. the goal when computing an integral is to first compute an antiderivative f(x) for the integrand, for then the fundamental theorem of calculus will allow us to evaluate the right side of  int{a}{b}f(x)dx = {f(b) - f(a)}, which is much easier to evaluate than taking a limit of riemann sums as discussed in the previous post.

therefore we need to learn how to compute antiderivatives in order to learn how to compute integrals.


the method for computing antiderivatives of a function f(x) usually consists recognizing it as the derivative of some function that you know f(x).

we need a little background now, because we are going to develop a toolkit for computing antiderivatives. a set is an unordered collection of objects. we can describe the elements of set inside of curly brackets: the integers bbz = {lbrace}..., -2, -1 0, 1, 2, 3, ...{rbrace }, , the real numbers bbrare everything in between. when there are no bounds of integration on an integral, we call int{ }{ }{f(x) dx}an indefinite integral. the indefinite integral of a continuous function is the set of antiderivatives  for the integrand  so int{ }{ }{f(x) dx} = {lbrace}f:f is an antiderivate for f {rbrace} (the set notation is read as “the set of f such that f is an antiderivative for f.”

so there is more than one antiderivative for a continuous function f? actually, the number of antiderivatives for a continuous function is actually uncountable, and certainly infinite. to see this we need two laws for derivatives: the derivative of a sum of differentiable functions is the sum of the derivatives, and the derivative of a constant function is 0. recall that a function f(x) is differentiable if the limit ctaoaf_img3 exists for every point x in the domain of f, and we write this value as f'(x).

let f(x), g(x) be differentiable functions, then we can see using the definition of the derivative that

ctaoaf_img4next, we want to suppose that our function g(x)= c for some c epsilon bbri.e. for some real number c,) then the derivative is zero at every point x:

ctaoaf_img5now we see why there are so many antiderivatives of an arbitrary continuous function f(x): let f(x) be any antiderivative of f(x). this means that f'(x) = f(x) for every x in the domain of f. but then f(x) + c  where c is a real number is also an antiderivative for f , since we have that


where the first equal sign uses the sum rule for derivatives and the second equal sign uses the fact that the derivative of a constant function is zero.

therefore we write that the indefinite integral of a continuous function is a set of antiderivatives that differ by a real constant:


solution to warm-up: a

calculating the antiderivatives of a polynomial



(find the solution at the conclusion)

today we want to discuss the computation of the antiderivatives of a polynomial function. polynomials, as you might recall, are sums and differences of different powers of the independent variable. some functions that are polynomials:


some functions that are not polynomials:


notice that h, g, are very similar functions to h, g, so it is important to verify if you are dealing with non-polynomial functions (like e^x , log(x), sin(x)) or simply constants (like e^{37} , log(40), sin(3)). we now want to understand how to compute the indefinite integral of one of these polynomial functions—which means finding antiderivatives of polynomial functions.

in order to understand antiderivatives, we must first understand derivatives—so the first question we ask is:

what is the derivative of the function f(x) = x^n?

we can answer this question by computing the limit from the definition:


now what is (x + h)^n? if we recall the binomial formula (and pascal’s triangle) we see that ctaoap_img5

substituting this back into the limit we see that:


since all the terms in the numerator have a power of “h”, then we can cancel and are left with:


now since the only term without an “h” is the first term, when h right 0 we see that all that we are left with is nx^{n-1}. therefore we have that


we now have figured out the derivatives of all sorts of functions! we have that (x^2)‘ = 2x, (x^3)‘ = 3x^{2} etc. the last pieces of information that we need to know, which i will not prove because it requires advanced structures, is that the integral of a sum of continuous functions is the sum of the integrals. therefore if f(x), g(x) are continuous:


and given a real number  and a continuous function f(x), the integral of (c.f)(x) is times the integral of f(x):


this allows us to compute the integral of a sum of polynomial functions, since computing the integral will consist of finding antiderivatives for each term in the sum and then adding them together. this means we only need to know the antiderivative of x^n. since a polynomial takes the form {a_n}{x^n} +{a_{n-1}}{x^{n-1}} + ... + {a_1{x}} + a_0}, where the a_n is a sequence of real constants, we can compute the integral of one as follows:


so what is the function f that is an antiderivative of  f(x)= x^n?  it will have the form f(x)= cx^{n+1}, and we can solve for  by differentiating, so that f(x) = c.(n+1).{x^n}. therefore we have that


therefore the antiderivatives for x^nare as follows:


where c  is an arbitrary real constant.

warm-up solution: c

the post ap calculus: computing the antiderivatives of functions and polynomials appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 1 y =2sqrt{x} ctaoaf_img1 int{a}{b}{f(x) dx} int{a}{b}f(x)dx = {f(b) - f(a)} ctaoaf_img2 bbz = {lbrace}..., -2, -1 0, 1, 2, 3, ...{rbrace } bbr int{ }{ }{f(x) dx} int{ }{ }{f(x) dx} = {lbrace}f:f is an antiderivate for f {rbrace} ctaoaf_img3 ctaoaf_img4 g(x)= c c epsilon bbr ctaoaf_img5 ctaoaf_img6 ctaoaf_img7 ctaoap_img1 ctaoap_img2 ctaoap_img3 e^x , log(x), sin(x) e^{37} , log(40), sin(3) x^n ctaoap_img4 (x + h)^n ctaoap_img5 ctaoap_img6 ctaoap_img7 h right 0 nx^{n-1} ctaoap_img8 (x^2) 2x, (x^3) 3x^{2} ctaoap_img9 ctaoap_img10 x^n {a_n}{x^n} +{a_{n-1}}{x^{n-1}} + ... + {a_1{x}} + a_0} a_n ctaoap_img11 f(x)= x^n f(x)= cx^{n+1} f(x) = c.(n+1).{x^n} ctaoap_img12a x^n ctaoap_img13