author: chris lele

chris lele
  • sat reading comprehension: specific line reference

    the next reading comprehension question type is also the most common question type. introducing: line reference question. okay, there is some irony here – there’s no line reference but an xx (no, don’t get the wrong idea). for the blog critical reading passage i didn’t have the nifty little program that allowed me to insert…

  • sat cr passage questions: “line number” vocabulary words

    for the next two questions from the following sat reading passage, we have a question type called vocabulary in context. this question type is one of the easiest to improve on, mainly because many students approach this question incorrectly. what happened in between those two photographs is that i experienced, then overcame, what the poet…

  • building your sat reading muscle

    imagine your brain as a group of muscles.  one of these muscles is called the reading muscle. like any muscle, the reading muscle can very easily become weak and flaccid–if you don’t use it. now imagine trying to lift 150 pounds over your head. that would take quite a lot of muscle. reading muscle-wise, the…