author: chris lele

chris lele
  • sat grammar: semicolons

    semicolons are the bane of many a student on the sat. as soon as they see one they think run-on sentence or verbiage. the sat definitely plays on this fear by including many correct answers in the identifying the error portion of the writing section. below, i’ve included a few useful tips and examples to…

  • idioms on the sat: writing practice questions

    oh those sat idioms – the bane of every sat test taker. yes, it is true.  even those who have an ear for the proper idioms often find the rest of the writing section a breeze. while there is no one way to master idioms, a combination of approaches should help. one approach is practice…

  • make sat vocab fun

      mnemonics the word lambaste means to criticize someone harshly. by the time you finish this post you’ll probably have forgotten that. now, what if i tell you to imagine somebody who always criticizes you (i can already picture my high school p.e. teacher). i want you to imagine that that person’s head has been…