author: catrina coffey

catrina coffey
  • best inspirational quotes for seniors

    i love inspirational quotes. reading them can really motivate me to work harder or even just comfort me when i’m having a bad day. recently, i’ve been desperately longing for senior year to end and college to start. so i’ve decided to share some words of wisdom that i like to turn to when i…

  • how to spend your summer productively

    i know what you’re thinking. summer planning? already? right now, you’re doing this. but soon you’ll be doing this… …and wondering where all of the time went. deadlines for many summer programs and camps are coming right up. you better get on that! as tempting as it might be to sit around all summer and…

  • how to make your essay not boring

    bored by your own college essay? here are some tips that will liven it up, from ethan sawyer, aka the college essay guy! here are three tips to help you avoid writing an essay that’s, for lack of a better word, boring:   1. make sure the connections your essay makes are non-obvious and specific.…