author: brendan henrique

rachel kapelke-dale
  • four things you never knew about college admissions

    the college admissions process has become increasingly mysterious over the years. why are debate champions with 2400s getting rejected? how come some kids get into harvard, but not into big state schools with higher acceptance rates? what’s the deal?

  • dealing with parents during college apps

    chances are, if you’re approaching senior year, you’ve had a few college-oriented conversations with your parents that feel somewhat like the following: and if you’re sitting there thinking, “nope, i can’t relate to that” … just wait. there is something about the application season that can turn even the most easy-going of parents into half-crazed…

  • complex numbers on the act: multiplication and division

    remember, a complex number is very similar to a binomial. we’re dealing with imaginary and real numbers at the same time. we already took a look at addition and subtraction, so let’s move on to multiplication and division. these are a little trickier, but only division involves a skill you may not have used yet.…