beth gonzales, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life sat, 06 oct 2018 22:54:25 +0000 en-us hourly 1 // beth gonzales, author at magoosh blog | high school - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // 32 32 apush exam review: 5 last minute test prep tips // // fri, 29 dec 2017 18:00:29 +0000 // the more you prepare, the more you improve your chances of success! use our test prep tips as part of your apush exam review and get yourself ready to test!

the post apush exam review: 5 last minute test prep tips appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

no matter how much time you’ve devoted to your apush exam review, once your exam date approaches you enter the world of last minute test prep. although there are no quick tricks to ensure a passing score, there are guidelines you can follow to make sure you are performing at the top of your academic skill level.

use our five last minute test prep suggestions to help you finish strong and test your best.

test prep tip #1: keep studying

even if you feel that you know all the information, it is a good idea to continue reviewing for your apush exam. this isn’t a time to learn new material. instead, aim for a quick overview of a time period, historical event or major concept. daily 30-minute study sessions will help keep apush exam information fresh in your mind. you can also use our apush study plans to stay organized.

unless you have a preferred method for studying that works for you like nothing else, you can use your apush course notes to study. use your class notes as a study guide outline: review each chapter chronologically to make sure you are familiar with each section of apush material that may appear on your exam. if you want to incorporate other materials, our apush cram packet has other suggested resources.

test prep tip #2: practice writing by hand

why should you include writing as part of your apush exam review? there are three different types of essays that appear on the apush exam: short answer questions, a data-based question and one long essay. you write every single one of these essays by hand. if you are a student who generally takes notes on a tablet or laptop, writing for an extended period of time can be difficult. hand cramps are no joke!

prepare yourself by writing an essay every day. find a prompt, set a timer for 45 minutes and start writing! focus not only on the content (of course, you want a quality essay when finished) but also on the physical position of your body. make sure your back is nice and straight, your shoulders are rolled back and your writing hand is relaxed.

having trouble locating a prompt? hundreds of prompts for all three essay types are available online, but your best bet is to visit ap college board for the most up-to-date free response questions.

test prep tip #3: review the apush exam expectations

no matter how much content you know, if you don’t answer a question completely or in the correct format, you run the risk of losing valuable points. don’t let silly mistakes lower your overall exam score. use some of your apush exam review time to brush up on how each section of the apush exam is scored. for complete scoring information, read ap college board’s course & exam description, beginning on page 129.

section i: part a – multiple choice

55 questions = 40% of exam score total
answering these questions is no big deal. choose the best option from up to 4 choices. just be sure to fill in the bubble completely with your #2 pencil.

section i: part b – short answer

3 questions = 20% of exam score total
questions 1 and 2 are required (both focus on periods 3-8). however, you can choose between question 3 (periods 1-5) and question 4 (periods 6-9), depending on which periods you prefer. each question prompt is divided into three parts: a, b, and c. each individual part is worth 1 point, for a total of 3 points.

each part is scored separately, so if you miss part a, it doesn’t necessarily mean the rest of your short answer is incorrect. use complete sentences when answering these questions.

section ii: part a – data-based

1 question = 25% of exam score total
this question focuses on periods 3-8, and is worth a maximum of 7 points. official apush exam readers look for a clear thesis and development of your argument. your essay must include evidence from the historical documents provided.

in addition to providing your own outside evidence, also extend your argument by connecting material across historical themes and content. although taken from the 2016 apush exam, ap college board’s scoring guidelines still contain relevant scoring information.

section ii: part b – long essay

1 question = 15% of exam score total
choose one from three prompt options, each focusing on a different period:

  • option 1: periods 1-3
  • option 2: periods 4-6
  • option 3: periods 7-9

a quality long essay response looks very much like your typical school paper. make sure you include a thesis, develop your argument using evidence, and synthesize concepts across themes.

each area of your paper is scored separately, for a total of 6 possible points. read through the scoring guidelines for the long essay response for more in-depth information.

test prep tip #4: take even better care of yourself in the days prior to testing

like studying, cramming a “healthy” lifestyle into the night before your apush exam isn’t really going to make a difference. in order to reap the benefits of being well-rested on test day, start making healthier changes at least a week before your test. this means getting to bed on time, drinking lots of water, and start eating a light breakfast (if you don’t already).

these small changes may not seem like much, but can pay off big when you test. a well-rested body = a calm and prepared mind. go into your test knowing that your body and brain are functioning at peak performance.

test prep tip #5: act confident, be confident

show confidence in yourself. your hours of apush exam review are finally going to pay off! walk confidently into your testing classroom knowing you are as prepared as you can be. believe in yourself and your academic skills!

ned more apush exam review tips?

for even more apush exam review tips, check out these tips from ap college board and the magoosh apush blog.

when is your exam date? which of these prep tips will you be incorporating into your apush exam review?

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use this apush cram packet to study smarter // // thu, 14 dec 2017 18:00:09 +0000 // remember that saying, “work smarter, not harder”? well, the same goes for studying. use magoosh's apush cram packet to help you study smarter, not harder!

the post use this apush cram packet to study smarter appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

remember that saying, “work smarter, not harder”? well, the same goes for studying. use our apush cram packet to help you study smarter, turning your prep time into an efficient, effective way to get ready for apush!

apush cram packet-magoosh

how to study “smarter”

studying “smarter” is a practical way to manage your study time. how you study can be just as important as what you study. when using this apush cram packet to study, keep these key objectives in mind:

  • make the most of your study time: research shows that the brain’s optimal recall time is around 30 minutes long. so those 3 hour weekend study sessions you had planned aren’t actually the best use of your time. try studying for shorter times more frequently throughout the week. if you aren’t sure where to start, aim to study for 1 hour, 2-3 times a week.
  • study concepts, not fine details: instead of spending time memorizing minor facts and obscure names, focus your study energies on broader ideas. work on understanding how concepts work across time periods, or the causes/effects of major historical events.
  • actually study during study time: that means silence your cell phone, turn off your notifications, close down netflix and just study. if you are breaking your concentration to answer random text messages, then 100% of your attention is not devoted to studying. minimize your distractions so you can actively learn and remember the information you are reviewing!
  • test yourself frequently: use your study time to not only study, but also to monitor your progress. use online quizzes, tests or flashcards to see what material you understand well and what you need more work on.

apush cram packet materials

below are lists of our favorite apush materials for studying. use them to supplement your own apush class notes and resources. find what works for you and incorporate those activities into your daily study routine.

practice tests

the best practice tests are full-length and include every portion of the apush exam. don’t let the 3-hour duration turn you away – if you don’t have time all at once, test yourself a section at a time. time yourself and total your score upon completion. not only is this a great way to get an idea of what the actual test will be like, practice tests also give you areas to focus on while studying!


like practice tests, online quizzes are a great way to review for apush. they are a quick and easy way to monitor your study progress. there are quizzes available for apush chapters, historical events, people and vocabulary – if you are looking for something specific, chances are there is a quiz for it! use quizzes to focus on individual concepts and target your studying.

flashcard sets

like quizzes, flashcards provide a speedy way to review material. make your own sets with information catered directly to your needs, or study from one of the thousands of apush sets already available online. even better, some of the sites keep track of your scores so you can tell how accurately you know information. you can easily see what areas you need more work on, and which you already know well!

course notes and chapter outlines

your personal notes and outlines from class will most likely be your best bet for review, but if you are looking to supplement them, there are great options online. some of the sites listed below contain more than just chapter notes; they are also useful resources for essay practice, quizzes and interactive study activities.

using our apush cram packet to study smarter

fortunately, if you have been attending class regularly, you are more prepared for the apush exam than you might realize. your chapter notes and reviews from class are valuable study resources. refer to them often while you study!

1. create a study calendar

begin by marking out the time you have left until the apush exam. then divide that time by the 9 historical time periods you need to review before test time. this helps establish how many days you have to study each individual time period.

for example, if there are two weeks remaining before you take your test, your study calendar could look something like this:

make sure you review…

  • key concepts: the apush exam doesn’t look at tiny historical details. it tests for a deep understanding of broad historical concepts, and how they interrelate to one another. as you study, review both the causes/effects for any major event (including people significant to the cause) that happened in each time period.
  • vocabulary: while there is no section of apush where vocabulary is tested explicitly, it is always a good idea to brush up on important chapter words, phrases and terms. using these words properly in context – think short answer or writing an essay – displays your grasp of overall content knowledge and apush comprehension.
  • key terms: just like vocabulary, using language and terms specific to apush shows that you can actively use and apply your content knowledge.


2. make the most of your study time

with only a short time left until your exam, make the most of the time you spend studying. this means staying engaged and motivated throughout your entire study session. you should minimize distractions, so put down that phone, turn off the tv and silence your notifications!

stay engaged

  • find a space and make it your dedicated study area. every time you sit down in that area, tell your mind to focus only on studying – nothing else.
  • no matter how long your study session is, try to take a break every 30 minutes. research shows the optimal time for maintaining brain focus is only around 30 minutes! taking a quick break every half hour or so allows your brain to recharge and approach the next task fresh.
  • try to stick to a set study schedule. creating a daily routine may sound boring, but it actually makes your study time more effective. knowing when and for how long you are going to study helps you stay focused on the task at hand – which in this case, is apush.
  • alternate how you study. even if you have a set day for studying period 4, you don’t always have to study the same way. avoid boredom by reviewing course notes, then taking an online quiz, then studying from flashcards. same content, different activities!

stay motivated

  • there is nothing wrong with setting goals and providing an incentive to reach them. if you have trouble staying motivated, consider giving yourself a small reward for each day of successful studying.
  • keep in mind why you took this apush class in the first place. are you hoping to get college credit? did you want a challenge? is this class going to look great on your transcripts? whatever your reason, use it to keep you motivated during your final weeks of studying.
  • finally, remember to keep the bigger picture in mind: this one test will lead you to new opportunities!


3. take time to test yourself

as mentioned earlier, testing yourself is a major component of studying smarter. as you review the materials listed below, schedule time into your study plan to allow for self-testing. it is a simple and easy way to discover potentially difficult sections, review material and monitor your progress.

there are many ways to self-test. if you have time, consider taking the full-length practice test from college board. you can also use our apush study plans if you still have one month or more before the test to study.

if you are truly using this apush cram packet to study in a short amount of time, take a look at our favorite flashcards or online resources to test yourself. they are quick, simple to use and free!


4. keep studying!

to properly cram for apush, you actually have to study. as tempting as it might be to blow off studying, reviewing material before a test is always the smartest way to go. final review keeps information actively searchable in your mind so that you can retrieve and apply accurately during your test.

we hope our apush cram packet will help you save time (and stress!) when preparing for the upcoming exam. if you do have one or more months available to study, try using a tailored apush study plan to space out your studying.

will you be using this apush cram packet? what are some other techniques that have helped you study smarter?

the post use this apush cram packet to study smarter appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 apush cram packet
6 apush dbq examples to review // // thu, 16 nov 2017 18:00:36 +0000 // are you ready for the data-based question? we’ve compiled our favorite sources for apush dbq example responses, so you can prepare for your upcoming essays!

the post 6 apush dbq examples to review appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

every subject is easier to study using concrete examples; apush essays are no exception. the data-based question, or dbq, differs from typical essays in only one way – the inclusion of five to seven historical documents. your goal is to read through each historical document, then write an essay that clearly answers the given prompt while demonstrating your overall understanding of apush content. the following sources for apush dbq examples are helpful to review before beginning your own writing.

what should i look in each apush dbq sample?

in each sample, study how each author:

  • formulates a thesis
  • constructs an argument
  • analyzes historical documents
  • provides additional examples
  • uses evidence to support argument
  • synthesizes information

apush dbq example #1: ap college board

college board is always the best source for up-to-date information and resources. this apush dbq sample is from 2016, but provides three different variations of student responses. you can see how and why which writing sample scored best, as well as determine how to incorporate those elements into your own writing. (examples from 2015 are also available.)

apush dbq example #2: ap us history notes

although this site doesn’t explain why each sample is successful, it does offer a large selection of examples to choose from. you can get a good sense of what type of writing goes into a high-quality essay. read through both the dbq and long essay examples.

apush dbq example #3: kaplan test prep

kaplan only provides one apush dbq sample, but does go through the essay point by point, explaining how the author develops a well-supported argument. another good view into the inner workings of a quality writing example.

apush dbq example #4: khan academy

if you haven’t already, visit khan academy. khan’s historian’s toolkit is a four-part video series that not only explains how to approach the dbq, but also deconstructs the thinking behind a question example. definitely worth a look.

apush dbq example #5: apprend

although rather lengthy, the dbq and rubric breakdown from apprend is a comprehensive look into how a dbq response can earn top points and why. options are given for each step of the writing process, enabling you to see the best possible answer for all sections of the essay.

apush dbq example #6: your classroom

looking for more examples? one of the easiest places to find apush dbq samples is in your own classroom. ask your current apush teacher to view previous students’ writing samples. as you know by now, reviewing other students’ work can be a very powerful and effective way to study for dbq.

the post 6 apush dbq examples to review appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

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5 american history questions you should know for the apush exam // // fri, 20 oct 2017 17:00:51 +0000 // wondering what kinds of american history questions will show up on the apush exam? we've found the 5 most common themes from past exams to help you prepare.

the post 5 american history questions you should know for the apush exam appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

we’ve already written about the kinds of american history questions you’ll find on the apush exam (multiple choice, free response essays, and so on). so today, let’s talk about the five historical themes that show up on the exam year after year.

american history questions you should know-magoosh

which themes should i study for ap american history questions?

the following historical themes appear on almost all of the apush exams from the last three years. american history questions on these themes appear in both the multiple-choice section and throughout the free response essays. although you can’t know for sure whether you’ll have to respond to a multiple-choice question or essay, you can prepare yourself by studying that particular topic.

as you study, remember that ap american history questions demand more than just memorized facts. ensure your working knowledge of each subject includes the causes leading up to historical events, the consequences of those events, and how those pieces fit together in the overall apush puzzle.

theme #1: women’s role in history

women play an important role in history and in your upcoming american history exam. in the last three years, more than six free response essays have featured a prompt regarding women. make sure you understand the roles of women throughout history and how those roles have shaped society.

  • rise of women’s rights, especially the right to vote
  • women and the civil rights movement
  • betty friedan
  • title ix
  • seneca falls convention
  • women’s roles during 1970s-90s
  • women’s suffrage

theme #2: american independence

make sure to study more than just the adoption of the declaration of independence. the struggle for american independence covers decades of information. review content on the colonies all the way to the civil war. also note the few names associated with this question theme—multiple questions have been asked regarding the role each of these gentlemen played in the quest for american independence.

  • british colonies
  • samuel adams
  • rights of the colonists
  • thomas jefferson
  • benjamin franklin, the autobiography of benjamin franklin
  • constitution, as ratified in 1788
  • civil war, battle of antietam

theme #3: historical figures

there are a few names listed under specific themes, but the following historical figures get their own category. this means they came up more than a few times throughout the past three apush exams. our most valuable apush players: alexander hamilton and andrew jackson. questions regarding these two men are in every. single. exam.

  • alexander hamilton, as secretary of treasury financial plans
  • george washington, farewell address of 1796
  • woodrow wilson, foreign policy
  • john marshall, marbury v. madison
  • theodore roosevelt
  • andrew jackson, nullification crisis, bank war, removal of native americans
  • jacob riis
  • senator joseph mccarthy, rise and fall of mccarthyism

theme #4: civil rights

the struggle for civil rights covers a broad range of events. it might be helpful to reference a chronological timeline that includes the beginning of the antislavery movement all the way up to the present day. two main supreme court cases, brown v. board and plessy v. ferguson, are extremely common themes in the most recent apush exams. multiple questions reference these cases.

theme #5: immigration & migration

apush keeps these two topics separate in some questions, and overlaps them in others. focus on understanding the major catalysts for both migration and immigration trends across the apush timeline. also, think about how both migration and immigration patterns helped shape society.

what are the best resources for studying ap american history questions?

the sites below can help focus and concentrate your efforts on the five common american history question themes. although there is no way to know for sure which questions will appear on your exam, it is always a great idea to study from as many resources as possible to increase your chances of success.


mcgraw-hill’s 500 ap us history test questions to know by test day was originally published in 2010, but still contains content relevant to current apush exams. each of the 500 questions comes with a full explanation for every answer (both right and wrong), so you can brush up on what you really need to know in order to score that 5. pay close attention to the language of each question: some are potentially misleading in their phrasing.


always a favorite! quizlet has two different quizzes: frequently asked questions for apush and 250 things every ap student should know about us history. like all quizlet sets, you can choose to review this information through flashcards, a test, matching practice or an online game. you can also search for individual sets that focus on specific information such as amendments, presidents or civil rights leaders.

ap college board

your best bet for official apush materials. find the released exam from 2017, as well as free response prompts dating all the way back to 2001. college board is one of the few places that offers a full-length practice test, so take advantage of it if you have the time. nothing prepares you as well for the real test! time yourself (especially the free response essays) for the most accurate testing experience.

need even more practice?

if you are looking for even more apush questions to practice, visit some of our great resources at magoosh! our favorite practice tests, online resources, course notes and study tips are only a quick click away!

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// 0 american history questions you should know
the best apush study notes // // thu, 12 oct 2017 17:00:04 +0000 // studying from quality materials makes a big difference when test time rolls around. use our list to find some of the best apush study notes available!

the post the best apush study notes appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

studying from quality materials makes a big difference when test time rolls around. no matter which sites, books or notes you end up using, always make sure they are relevant to your individual learning needs. our list comprises some of the best apush study notes available!


apush study notes-magoosh
photo by geralt

undoubtedly, the best apush study notes to use are your own. but if you are looking for additional information to supplement your own, this list is for you.

apush study notes: ap us history notes

ap us history notes features full chapter outlines, plus major topic outlines. select a chapter to view event descriptions, as well as key terms/vocabulary. this site also offers a plethora of other study options, such as quizzes, practice tests and sample essays.

apush study notes: gilder lehrman

although not your typical apush study notes, gilder lehrman’s study guide is such a fabulous resource that it still made the list. information is divided into historical time periods instead of chapters. every time period includes an introductory video, timeline, documents relevant to that time period and essays.

apush study notes: glencoe learning center

glencoe uses the american history: connecting with the past textbook, but the extensive study notes make it worth a visit no matter what book your class uses. choose a chapter to view main themes as well as student goals for each time period. use the student goals to help focus your study plan; if you can answer each of those questions, you understand the content well!

apush study notes: khan academy

khan academy is more than a great resource for apush study notes. in addition to chapter notes, khan academy also offers online practice tests for each major topic and chapter.

apush study notes: wadsworth cengage learning online study center

wadsworth’s online study center provides succinct chapter summaries for the american pageant, 13th edition. after selecting a chapter, choose “prepare for class” in order to view both chapter themes and summaries.

apush study notes: wikinotes american history

wikinotes american history offers study notes for 5 different us history textbooks, so you are sure to find your current apush book among them. chapter outlines include all major themes and topics, and highlight important people and events.

still looking for ideas on how to use your apush notes while studying? learn more about how to use your apush notes to help you study smarter!

the post the best apush study notes appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 learning paths-best apush study notes photo by geralt
use this us history study guide to study smarter for apush // // fri, 22 sep 2017 18:02:31 +0000 // make the most of your study time by using our ap us history study guide! learn how to maximize your study time and score your best on the upcoming exam!

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us history study guide

the process is pretty simple: the more you study, the better prepared you are. the better prepared, the higher your chances of successfully passing your apush exam. increase your chances of scoring high on your exam by not only studying for apush, but studying smarter.

use our us history study guide to help you study smarter for apush by:

  • clearly identifying target goals
  • outlining historical themes and time periods
  • maximizing the effectiveness of your study time

1. identify target goals

the first step of our us history study guide is to identify your apush academic strengths and weaknesses. just as there are time periods and historical events that you understand more clearly than others, there are also concepts that just didn’t “stick” the first time around. adjust your study plan to focus more on areas you currently struggle with, and less on areas you already know well.

how to determine your apush strengths and weaknesses

the easiest way (although certainly not the fastest) to determine your current apush knowledge base is to take a full-length practice test. although rather time consuming, the results from your practice test provide an accurate picture of which areas need the most attention during study time.

you write a total of 5 essays throughout your entire apush exam! because essay writing incorporates complex english skills in addition to apush content knowledge — such as timed writing, creating a thesis statement, citing evidence, developing an argument — many students struggle with these portions of the test. so pay particular attention to your essay writing skills!

creating target study goals

base your study goals on the results of your practice exam. your study plan should not only include an overall review of every apush chapter, but also highlight any additional areas that scored low during your practice test. for example, a typical study week may be 2-3 days reviewing chapter course notes, plus one extra day focusing specifically on the gilded age. the following week, the extra study day may change topics to include a different theme. it all depends on your personal study goals.

2. outline historical themes and time periods

the next step of our us history study guide involves apush course notes. most students have awesome course notes from their own apush classes, but if you prefer to use notes other than your own, there are many options available online. view our favorite course notes here.

regardless of which course notes you use — personal or publishing company — your goal remains the same; to format the notes into a workable overview of apush themes and time periods. again, the most effective option for studying is to create this outline yourself. follow these step-by-step instructions to format your course notes into a workable study method.

supplement your course notes with an overview of apush themes and time periods. khan academy provides a us history study guide sheet that incorporates each of the major us history themes into one single page.

3. maximize your study time

the last step of our us history study guide focuses on study time. “smart” studying is a strategy employed by many of the most successful students. by studying smarter, you increase the amount of information you effectively review, which means you also increase your potential for a higher apush score.

select quality materials

the apush exam was recently updated for 2018. make sure the materials you use (whether online or in a book) reflect those changes accurately. while many materials online may not be updated quite yet, they still are a valuable resource. visit some of our favorite test prep materials to help get you started.

test yourself often

to rev up your learning, “test” yourself while studying. whether online or in real life, there are so many ways to self-test, you never have to worry about getting bored. try flashcards, practice tests, or review games.

vary your study methods

don’t get stuck in a study rut. changing up how you study engages your mind and helps maintain focus during study time. experiment with various study methods and see what you find most useful. our study tips may be helpful in getting started.

the post use this us history study guide to study smarter for apush appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

// 0 studying
ap us history study guide // // thu, 07 sep 2017 23:43:23 +0000 // efficient studying increases your chances of success on the apush exam. use our ap us history study guide to keep you focused and on track!

the post ap us history study guide appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

ap us history study guide

studying for apush can be a difficult task. there is a lot of information to memorize and comprehend; historical facts, events, places, people, dates, names. it can all get a little overwhelming. fortunately, studying for the apush exam doesn’t have to be as arduous or inconvenient as you might think. use our ap us history study guide to help keep your study time productive!

ap us history study guide overall review

scoring guidelines

it’s always a good idea to review exam expectations before studying. understanding what kind of answers score best is a smart first step in formulating an effective study plan. for instance, on the apush exam multiple-choice represents the largest overall portion of your score. but 60% of your remaining score is comprised of some form of essay writing!

  • multiple choice, 55 questions = 40% of your total exam score
  • short answer, 3 questions = 20%
  • document based, 1 question = 25% of your total exam score
  • long essay, 1 question = 15%

in order to create a study plan that works best for you, take a look at your current skill set. are you an accomplished essay writer? in previous apush class tests or practice tests, do you score well on multiple-choice questions? how well do you assess historical evidence? most students require additional practice in writing timed essays, so make sure you adjust your study schedule to accommodate this type of practice into your study schedule.

key concepts and events

as you review key apush concepts and events, keep a “whole picture” outlook in mind. the idea is not to memorize every little detail, but rather understand what lead to and consequences of major historical concepts.
ap us history exam questions require students to connect information across time periods, so it is important to be able to determine what a theme/event did or did not do. for example, the emancipation proclamation did help make european intervention in the war almost impossible. but it did not actually free slaves.
although you may already have an ultimate list of ap us history key terms, themes and vocabulary, it never hurts to supplement with other options.
rivermill academy: list of over 444 terms and vocabulary, spanning all apush chapters
adam norris: all 27 key concepts in chronological order, periods 1-9
quizlet: multiple quizzes focuses on apush key concepts and events

key terms and vocabulary

vocabulary is always an important feature on any exam, apush is no exception. like key concepts and events, terms and vocabulary show up on every single ap us history exam. and for good reason. understanding and utilizing vocabulary properly is an indicator of how well you know the material on the exam.
some of our top choices for ap us history study support:
quizlet vocabulary: even more select quizzes targeting ap us history vocabulary
ap u.s. history notes: complete vocabulary words organized by chapter

ap us history study guide: multiple choice questions

on the ap us history exam, multiple choice questions are generally asked in sets of 2-5 questions. some can rely on graphics, maps, charts or other alternative evidence to determine an answer. because of the nature of multiple choice, you already know the correct answer is there somewhere – you just have to find it!

strategies for answering multiple choice

don’t be afraid to guess. apush does not penalize for incorrect answers. so a good test-taking strategy is to answer every single questions – even if it is just a guess.
eliminate options you know are incorrect. there are often 1-2 choices that are very obviously wrong. get rid of those possibilities right away so you can focus on more quality options.
look at other questions for possible answers. although it doesn’t happen often, sometimes tests provide answers to other questions while asking about something else. use context clues to help further narrow down possible choices.
when down to two possible answers, always choose the one that is “most true”.

ap us history study guide: ap us history essays

short answer

each ap us history short answer question begins with a prompt that involves a historical source of some kind; an image, quote, maps, graphs or document. analyze the historical sources, then use that information to compose a response. many apush short answer questions focus on opposing viewpoints, so expect to provide support for both sides.
short answer questions ask you to answer 3 separate parts (a, b, c) involving the prompt. each part is graded separately, so if you miss a point on part a, you still can get full points for the remaining parts of the question. you will write three mini-essays total: the first two questions both focus on periods 3-8, then choose between question 3 (periods 1-5) and question 4 (periods 6-9).

data-based question

ap us history data-based questions begin with a set of 5-7 historical documents. after reading through each of the documents, construct an essay that includes both information found in the historical documents, as well as your own prior apush knowledge regarding any content relevant to the topic.
ap college board recommends taking the first 10-15 minutes to plan and outline your essay, then use the remaining time to write your well-constructed essay. unlike the short answer, dbq needs a thesis, main ideas that support your thesis and specific reference to the provided historical documents. don’t forget to always include outside information; essays are a way to demonstrate the depth of your apush content knowledge and understanding.

long essay

during your exam, you are given a set of instructions to help guide you through writing your ap us history long essay. points are given for the quality of your thesis, application of historical thinking skills, support of your argument with evidence and synthesizing with additional content.
like the dbq, you only have one chance to make a great impression. make sure you answer each section of the prompt completely and effectively. remember that the long essay comes last after a series of 4 other essays – prepare your writing hand by practicing your writing in advance!

additional tips and strategies for writing apush essays:

  • answer the prompt completely. we cannot stress this enough! no matter which essay you are writing, in order to receive full points your response needs to completely answer the prompt!
  • brainstorm and outline for 10-15 minutes. take the time at the beginning to organize your thinking. it will pay off when you write your essay in a concise and well-structured manner. remember to focus your responses to specifically address the prompt.
  • write clearly and succinctly. make sure apush readers can follow your argument, explanations and evidence. write your essay with flow and consistency so that your ideas don’t get lost in poor writing.
  • review and revise. take the time to re-read your ap us history essays. make sure your response explicitly responds to each part of the prompt and correct any errors that may prevent readers from fully understanding your intent.

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// 0 shutterstock_466803836
how to prep for apush essays // // thu, 31 aug 2017 16:30:56 +0000 // preparation is key to writing a quality apush essay. use the following suggestions as a guide to help you prep for your upcoming apush essays!

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prep apush essays

preparation is key to writing a quality apush essay. knowing what and how to write are both skills that you can improve and cultivate through practice. use the following suggestions to help you prep for your upcoming apush essays.

apush essays: long essay, short answer or dbq?

apush exams actually contain three different types of essays: long essay, short answer and data-based question (dbq). each asks you to analyze and synthesize historical data, but vary in response format and content. visit ap college board to take a closer look at individual apush essay requirements.

short answer response: 3 questions, 40 minute response time

technically, short answer is not an essay at all, but rather a paragraph (or two) that concisely explain your ideas on a topic or prompt. even though you are not writing a full-length essay for this section, keep in mind that your response still needs to read coherently and maintain focus – just like a standard writing. short answer responses require three individual answers (parts a, b, c), each worth one point.

data-based question essay: 1 question, 60 minutes response time

the dbq essay focuses on topics exclusively from periods 3-8. in this section, you are given a series of historical documents that you must cite as evidence throughout your essay. documents come in various forms: written materials, illustrations, graphs, charts or pictures.

a successful dbq answer demonstrates the relationship between the provided document and a historical time period or theme. cite the documents as evidence as well as use them to formulate an argument or express an opinion in order to maximize your dbq score.

long essay: 1 question, 40 minutes response time

an update for the 2017-18, you can now choose from a selection of three essay topics: periods 1-3, 4-6 or 7-9. each apush essay option focuses on the same themes and writing requirements, so choose the time period that best fits your skill set.

the long essay section is exactly what you expect from a typical essay: topic sentence, body paragraphs that cite historical evidence, strong closing. add more paragraphs as necessary, but never write less than 5. this is your opportunity to demonstrate the depth of your apush knowledge, as well as your ability to make connections between historical time periods and content.

how to prepare an apush essay format

regardless of format, apush essay responses that fully answer the question prompt and cite evidence tend to score the best. however, if essay-writing is not one of your current strengths, there are some tips you can follow to make writing in an apush essay format much easier.

1. read the question prompt.

all the way through. at least twice. you may see the term “ap” in this section. in this case, “ap” does not stand for “advance placement”, but rather “address prompt”.

2. determine your task.

what is this prompt actually asking you to write? how are they asking you to write your response? look for keywords such as compare/contrast, analyze or evaluate. these words are good indicators into which direction your apush essay should head.

3. read the provided documents.

there may be several, especially if you are being asked to state an opinion or formulate an argument. note any commonalities between the documents. do they share similar themes? are they written by the same author? do they represent ideals or events of a certain time period?

4. list outside information you can use to support your claim.

in order to best recall main events of a historical time period, ap college board recommends using the acronym persia. essays that include the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual and artistic aspects of a certain time period show an overall understanding of historical context.

5. create a quick outline.

for short answer or dbq essays, this may not be necessary, so use your best judgement. however, we recommend using a quick outline to help focus your thinking before writing your long essay. taking a few minutes to organize your thoughts by jotting down notes or ideas that will help frame your thinking and make writing a structured essay much easier.

practice makes perfect

writing a quality essay is a skill. like any skill, the more you practice, the better you get. over the course of your apush study sessions, aim to write a total of 3-4 essays per section. if writing essays proves to be difficult, consider writing more often in order to hone your skills.

even though it may seem daunting, also remember to practice your writing during timed sessions. timing your writing helps you become aware of areas you may need to work on. it also forces you to focus your efforts into completing the prompt in its entirety each time you write. this is a great way to assess different areas of your writing process, so that you can make adjustments accordingly.

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// 0 writing essay
use these ap us history outlines to study smarter // // tue, 04 jul 2017 23:00:22 +0000 // don’t study harder, study smarter! put your brain through an optimum study workout by using our ap us history outlines to help you study smarter!

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use these ap us history outlines to study smarter

studying is a lot like working out. with each “workout” you get stronger and improve your skills. and just like working out, studying is not always something people are motivated to do. if you have to study anyway to maintain a healthy level of apush “brain fitness”, then why not study smarter?
put your brain through an optimum study workout by using our ap us history outlines to help you study smarter!

5 tips to study smarter

studying smarter is a strategy that many successful students utilize. it saves time, energy and can help you get a better grade on the apush exam.

  • study over time. apush expects you to be able to not only remember historical information, but connect it across time periods and events. in order to accomplish this, you need to know the information really well. don’t try and review it all in one night! space out your studying over weeks, if not months, for the most effective use of your study time.
  • use quality materials. so much information is available online, sometimes it is difficult to narrow the scope. start with some of our favorites, and add some of your own! look for updated sites, like magoosh, that discuss the new changes to the 2017-18 apush exam.
  • vary your study methods. because every learner is different, every study plan should be different as well. what your best friend finds the most helpful may not work at all for you. experiment with study methods and see what you find most useful. our study tips may be helpful in getting started.
  • track your progress. monitoring your progress not only keeps motivation levels high, but also serves as a visual reminder to stay focused while studying.

top 3 ap us history outlines to help you study smarter

although there are many quality ap us history outlines available online, these three are especially useful when it comes time to studying smarter.

ap us history notes

the outlines found here are in-depth without being overwhelming. the material presented is well-organized, with many supporting details for each main idea. this site gives a clear and explicit overview of each american pageant (13th edition) chapter. additional features on this site include vocabulary flashcards, practice tests and essay-prompt topic outlines.

khan academy

a non-profit company dedicated to providing free, world-class education to any learner, khan academy is a great resource for ap us history outlines. veering away from the typical outline format, khan academy presents information through a chronological timeline. material for each time period is available in course notes and/or educational video. additional features to this site include practice tests at the end of each lesson, as well as in-depth views into more complex topics such as the south after the civil war or the civil rights movement.

glencoe online learning center

every chapter of the apush textbook is available on this site! like khan academy, glencoe learning stays away from the standard outline format. instead, glencoe provides student goals for each chapter. select a chapter, then a main theme to begin review. additional features to this site include 10 activities to help you use your study time effectively, such as quizzes, study questions and interactive maps.

more ap us history outlines to choose from

looking for more choices? try a few of these ap us history outlines!

ap us history course-notes
wikinotes american history
wadsworth cengage learning online study center

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// 0 notes
the ap us history exam: planning for test day // // tue, 04 jul 2017 16:45:43 +0000 // ap us history exam planning can feel overwhelming. you need to know a lot of material – and you need to know it well. not to worry! be ready for ap us history test day by following our tips, strategies and guidelines. at least 1 month prior to ap us history exam day determine your […]

the post the ap us history exam: planning for test day appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

ap us history exam planning

ap us history exam planning can feel overwhelming. you need to know a lot of material – and you need to know it well. not to worry! be ready for ap us history test day by following our tips, strategies and guidelines.

at least 1 month prior to ap us history exam day

determine your ap us history exam date

this may seem like a no brainer, but knowing exactly when the exam takes place gives you a clear guide as to just how long you have to study. ap exams are typically the first two weeks of may. the order of exams changes, as does the morning or afternoon session. check the testing schedule at ap college board for up-to-date listings. your apush teacher or school coordinator registers you for the exam, so make sure you contact them prior to testing.

review overview

even though you are currently enrolled in an apush class, that doesn’t mean you remember everything taught in the months prior. or that you know the information well. before you even begin studying, ask yourself:

    are there any concepts i forgot?
    is there material i never knew to begin with?
    which areas do i know well?

review your class tests and notes, highlighting any topics, events or time periods that you struggle with. as you develop a study plan, know that those concepts need particular focus and review. areas you feel strong in do not need as much study time. you can then adjust your study plan accordingly.

start studying

studying is an inevitable part of being prepared. and also an indicator of success. most students who diligently study do well on exams. ap us history is no exception. prior to testing, establish a plan of action; determine what you need to study, for how long and which method you are going to use to help you study.

  • set a study schedule. obviously, the amount of time you have until testing day determines the length of your study calendar. instead of making your own, consider using the monthly or quarterly calendars from kaplan or the one-month study guide from as your studies progress, modify your plan as needed. just remember to keep your study time consistent.
  • take a practice test. although no one gets excited by the prospect of taking a 3-hour long test just for practice, research shows that using this form of study method is one of the most effective ways to study. even more important than the study aspects, taking a full-length practice test is a great indicator of how you will perform when it comes to the real exam. use your results to give direction to your studies; low scores signify more work in that area.
  • practice writing. don’t neglect the writing portions of the ap us history exam. apush is done all by hand – no typing your responses. many students find that their hands tire from writing short answers, dbq and long essay reponses. putting practice time in now will not only improve your writing, but will also get your handwriting as neat as it was in grade school.
  • review testing expectations. in addition to reviewing content, take a look at how and what each section of the ap us history exam is asking for. although each area tests your apush skills and measures overall historical content knowledge, they ask you to demonstrate in different ways. it is extremely beneficial to know how to write for short-answer, dbq and long essay exam responses.

1 week prior to ap us history exam day

you are almost there! the last week of ap us history exam preparation can be a key factor to success. if you have been studying for a month or more, bravo! your review of apush content is solid and you are most likely ready to test!
if you are just beginning your exam prep, read more specific examples of how and what to study with only one week left.
take this week to overview each of the 7 historical themes for every time period. the ap us history study sheet from khan academy is a nice way to look at the entire scope of apush. note any areas that you may still be struggling with.
devote your study time this week to any time periods, events, or areas that you just can’t seem to get. find online quizzes, flashcard sets or review games that specifically address these areas.

night before ap us history exam day

this is it! most often, teachers recommend laying out testing materials the night before a test so things are ready to go the next morning. ap is pretty easy – all you need are number 2 pencils (bring more than one) and black or blue ink pens for the writing portions of the exam.
with all ap exams, the list of what not to bring is longer. no electronics of any kind – phones, tablets or anything that can connect to the internet. nothing that takes pictures or makes noise (that includes watches that beep). and of course, no food or water.
for a complete list of what you can and cannot bring, visit ap college board.
make sure you get a good night’s rest so you will be ready to go in the morning!

day of ap us history exam

eat breakfast. even if you aren’t hungry. think granola bar, oatmeal, or a piece of fruit and cheese stick. it doesn’t have to be a massive all-out meal, a small, healthy snack will help give you the energy you need to test.
although you may be nervous, think positive thoughts! you are ready to take the ap us history exam and pass it! go into your exam room confident in your skills and determined to show the ap board just how knowledgeable you are. good luck!

the post the ap us history exam: planning for test day appeared first on magoosh blog | high school.

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