author: beth gonzales

beth gonzales
  • four of my biggest regrets about high school

    since i just graduated a few days ago, i’ve been feeling rather nostalgic about high school. i’ve been reminiscing on the good old days of tennis season, dance rehearsal, and debate practice. but although there were good times, there were definitely also some bad times.

  • why every student should volunteer abroad

    back in march, 11 of my classmates and i travelled to san miguel de allende, mexico to volunteer at a preschool called centro infantil san pablo. we were excited for the trip, but we didn’t really have a true idea of what was in store for us. the experience ended up being life changing.

  • first four steps towards ncaa recruitment

    as promised in the previous post, this is the beginning of a more thorough step-by-step process about how to start navigating the maze of ncaa recruitment. if you are still unsure exactly what playing sports in college can entail, feel free to visit “looking into ncaa athletics” for some more general information.