beth gonzales

5 best ap us history test prep resources

5 best ap us history test prep resources

your ap us history test is quickly approaching. there are so many quality materials available, how do you choose? our 5 best ap us history test prep resources are our favorite picks to help prepare you for your upcoming exam. find what works best for you and start studying!

best ap us history practice test

you can’t truly study for ap us history without taking a practice test at least once. the best one? visit ap college board to find the only official practice test available for apush. the practice test is actually a previously released exam, making this practice test the closest you can get to taking the real test. score yourself on all sections of the practice test (including the long essay section) to discover which areas you already know well, and which you need to study more.

best ap us history quiz

quizlet. hands down. there are so many sites that provide this type of study service, but i keep coming back to quizlet. why? you can search for a general quiz (apush) or you can search by specific chapter (ap history chapter 1) or you can search for a particular topic (plessy vs. ferguson). if that isn’t enough to get you to visit, quizlet offers multiple ways to review information. review using the flashcards, learn, spell or test options to fully immerse yourself in the content.

best ap us history flashcards

looking for a comprehensive site that helps track your study progress along with offering quality content? try brainscape. create a free account to gain access to thousands of ap us history test prep resources. there are pre-existing data sets to study from, or you can create your own. brainscape also personalizes your study experience by asking you to rate your level of confidence each time you answer – the lower you score your answer, the more times that question will show up during your study session. flashcards improve recall through repetition, so if you aren’t sure about a concept, brainscape makes sure you see it more often.

best ap us history study sheet

for a great overview of all the major themes in us history, check out kahn academy’s us history study sheet. although you can’t download the table, you can drag a copy to your desktop and print from there. the study sheet cross references all 7 apush themes with each of the 9 time periods. use this for a quick reference to keep your studying on track and focused on the important aspects of each period and theme. many more resources can be found on this site, such as key terms, documents to know and vocabulary, so feel free to take a look around!

best ap us history outline

in the end, there can be only one. after much deliberation, i recommend visiting the student center at glencoe online learning center. choose a chapter from the left-hand drop down box to begin your study session. in addition to main themes, glencoe also outlines student goals for each chapter. these can be an incredibly helpful study guide. test your knowledge by recalling main points and a few supporting details for each of the student chapter goals. in addition to outlines, glencoe also provides quizzes, essays, study questions, primary sources and interactive maps for each chapter.
there are so many great resources available online – find what works best for you! visit us at magoosh for even more ideas and study tips to help you prepare for your ap us history exam.


  • beth gonzales

    beth is an educator and freelance creative designer who devises innovative and fun-loving solutions for clients. she works with families, students, teachers and small businesses to create and implement programs, campaigns and experiences that help support and maximize efforts to grow communities who critically think, engage and continue to learn.

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