comments on: hard act math problems - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life wed, 06 jan 2021 23:41:21 +0000 hourly 1 by: david recine // tue, 06 jun 2017 11:52:32 +0000 // in reply to josh coffey.

thanks for bringing all of this to our attention, josh. i’ve just modified question 7 myself. the issues you’ve raised about questions 8, 9, and 10 will require more in-depth revisions. so, i’ve notified our content improvement team of the concerns you raised, and we’ll have someone working to revise this post soon. 🙂

by: josh coffey // mon, 05 jun 2017 15:48:38 +0000 // question 7: it appears that the “correct” answer is the
correct value, but the letter does not match the letter
choice in the problem above, it says a, 14 mi/h is correct
but answer a in the problem is 10 mi/h and answer d
is 14 mi/h, the correct value.

question 8: this question ambiguously states that the last portion of the trip took three hours, but the answer uses a
value of two hours. this causes a discrepancy in answer, so the value would be
12.5 mi/h, not 14 unless one or the other is changed. the
question’s last sentence is also very confusing because it
says that the students get back “three hours after they arrived”
but it never mentioned arriving anywhere except back at school.
it could be rephrased to say “three hours after they started back”
and the question would be much better. if you changed the
three to two, then the answer would also agree with the answer key.

question 9: there are two correct answers, b and e for question
9 since both b and e contain the solution. however, the
answer tosses out answer b like its in the qi or qii, while it
is actually qiii.

finally question 10: there is no graph included with which
to do the problem.
