comments on: act vs sat: key differences and similarities - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life mon, 12 oct 2020 07:00:10 +0000 hourly 1 by: david recine // wed, 25 jul 2018 12:33:35 +0000 // in reply to raghav agarwal.

hi raghav,

so often, our students are either strong in math but need to improve in reading, or vice-versa. so the challenge you face is a common one, and one i’ve seen many students overcome. how you overcome reading challenges depends on the exact kinds of challenges you face. so i recommend thinking about exactly what your sat and act reading comprehension weaknesses are. for example, which act reading or sat reading question types are hardest for you? and what skills are most difficult? (vocabulary comprehension, understand inferences, etc?) once you’ve figured out your exact weaknesses, use targeted practice to build more skills in those areas.

this blog can provide you with a lot of practice and advice, as can official materials from the test makers, such as the websites and official guides for either the sat or act. you may also want to consider subscribing to magoosh act or magoosh sat, depending on which test you plan to take.

as for scholarships, magoosh has you covered there too. check out our guides to act-based scholarships and scholarships based on sat scores.

by: raghav agarwal // wed, 25 jul 2018 03:26:59 +0000 // i livein india and am thinking to go to usa for studying business.
i am pretty good at mental maths, but my reading is not that good,
i can read fast but not comprehend them very nicely. i m also
looking for a scholarship from collages , could i get it from
act or sat scores.pls help

by: david recine // sun, 18 feb 2018 20:56:53 +0000 // in reply to heloisa.

yes, foreign students can take these exams. in fact, you can probably take the act, the sat, or both right in your home country. just look up your home country in the act test center locator or the sat’s find test centers page.

one word of caution, though– make sure the american (or canadian) schools you’re applying to actually require the act or sat for foreign applicants. some universities do ask international students to take one of these two exams. however, there are also quite a few schools that only want english proficiency exams (toefl, ielts, etc.) from their foreign applicants.

by: heloisa // sun, 18 feb 2018 20:42:04 +0000 // thank so much for this information. what about foreign students? can they do these tests?

by: bill jennings // tue, 14 mar 2017 13:39:40 +0000 // our student didn’t do very well on the sat, and after several weeks of tutoring was only able to increase his test score marginally. we’ve been told that he may do better with taking the act. anyone else have a similar experience? is this worth the effort on his and our part?

by: magoosh test prep expert // mon, 06 mar 2017 10:09:13 +0000 // in reply to michael d yaccino.

hi michael,

that depends on which types of questions you feel more prepared to handle. the act includes science, for example, and the sat does not. i would take a practice test of each one to help determine where you naturally do better. good luck! 🙂

by: michael d yaccino // sun, 05 mar 2017 16:41:44 +0000 // i need to take either the sat or act for the illinois teacher license. i have not been in school for over 20 years. do you have an opinion on which might be better to take after the time away from school?

by: magoosh test prep expert // thu, 05 jan 2017 23:32:50 +0000 // in reply to connor.

hi connor,

unfortunately, this is a complex decision. i can provide you with some guidance, but only you can decide which test is best for you! the sat allows you more time and won’t have as many difficult math questions, so that could be a good option for you. however, the best way to decide is to take a practice test for each one (or at least practice some of each type of question in timed conditions.) that way, you can get an idea of which test you are more comfortable with and understand your strengths and weaknesses. you can find some resources for sat practice tests and 2022世界杯入门名单s on our blog! 😀

by: connor // tue, 03 jan 2017 17:22:08 +0000 // okay i am terrible at math, both also not the fastest test taker which do you recommend i take? the act?

by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 23 dec 2016 18:32:37 +0000 // in reply to shreyas.

hi shreyas,

this is a difficult question, and i’m afraid that there is no perfect answer. based on this information, you will have to spend some time preparing for the reading section of either test in order to get a strong score. so the question is: what do you think you can improve the most in the time you have? can you improve the speed for the act or overall comprehension in the sat? i recommend the following two blog posts to get an idea of what you need to do to improve your scores in both sections: tips to improve act reading and ten tips to improve sat reading. use these tips to get an idea of what will be required for improvement in each test, and decide which one will be easiest for you 🙂
