comments on: act score report: what you need to know - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life wed, 06 jan 2021 23:50:32 +0000 hourly 1 by: magoosh test prep expert // thu, 15 sep 2016 22:33:43 +0000 // in reply to ava.

i’m happy to help you ava, but i wanted to double check. what do you mean by sending a “super score”? if you are just asking about how to send any act scores to colleges, that information is a little hard to find on the website– you need to go to the act’s official sending act scores web page. then you need to look at the big heading that says “sending your scores.” under the heading, down and to the left, are the words “read more” in tiny red letters. click that, and you get instructions on how to send act scores to colleges.

if that’s what you’re asking, there you go. if you meant something different, i apologize for misunderstanding. clarify, and i can answer any additional questions you have. 🙂

by: ava // sun, 11 sep 2016 14:10:08 +0000 // hello! i was wondering how to send a super score act? i can’t seem to find a way how to do that on the act website? thanks!

by: kristin fracchia // mon, 26 oct 2015 18:08:58 +0000 // in reply to brandon.

hi brandon, well there is a difference between “prefer” and “require.” if a college “requires” you to send all of your scores, you should. it’s not worth the risk of being dishonest. if they “prefer” you send all of your scores, then you still have the choice and you are not required to send all of them. luckily for you, your composite scores are really close, and you aren’t in the position where you’d have to send them a much lower score. in your situation, i would probably recommend you just send the 34 as long as all scores are not required because of the emphasis on math in business (a 31 isn’t bad! but it’s not a 34!). sending the 33 just so they could see a 35 versus a 32 in english is probably not going to help you that much, since composite score is really the most important thing. if you are required to send all scores, i would send them and not fret about it too much since your scores are very close. congratulations on some fantastic act scores!!

by: brandon // fri, 23 oct 2015 23:44:41 +0000 // hi!
hopefully you can help me.  if a school gives you the option to send just one act but prefers that you send all of them should you?  in my case the composites of both my testings are really close 33 and 34 but some sections, like english, are better in the test with a lower composite score.  on the other hand, i improved my math on the one with a higher score to 34 from a 31 so i might not want them to see that i ever got the 31 the first time.  i am applying to a business program.  thanks for any help you can give me.
