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intro to sentence equivalence

the content delves into the intricacies of sentence equivalence questions on the gre, highlighting their unique characteristics, the strategy for approaching them, and the importance of identifying synonyms to correctly answer these questions.
  • sentence equivalence questions are a specific type of question on the gre, characterized by having exactly two correct answers that are synonyms.
  • these questions involve a single blank and six answer choices, distinguishing them from one-blank text completion questions.
  • the strategy for tackling these questions includes understanding the sentence's context, identifying any shifts in meaning, and selecting two words that are synonyms and fit the sentence meaningfully.
  • synonyms must be contextually appropriate, not just words that are generally similar, emphasizing the importance of nuanced understanding of vocabulary.
  • examples are provided to illustrate how to approach these questions, including how to eliminate incorrect answers and the significance of matching both answers to the sentence context.
introduction to sentence equivalence
strategy for sentence equivalence
applying synonyms in context

q. i've been watching the videos and they keep saying randoms words are important for the gre. how do i increase my knowledge of gre vocabulary?

a. to improve your vocabulary, it is very important to read as much as possible. this will improve your knowledge of vocabulary in context as well as your comprehension. as you read, make flashcards of the vocabulary words that you don't know. pause every so often, and recap the main message in your own words. click on the following links for some suggested reading materials: newspapers and magazines, fiction and nonfiction books.

you should also take a look at our vocabulary ebook. it includes 300 of the most commonly tested words on the gre.

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